
Monday, December 11, 2017

Tens of Thousands Expected to Protest Abortion in Netherlands this Weekend

By Jonathan Van Maren
National Right to Life

NETHERLANDS, December 7, 2017 — Cry for Life, a Dutch pro-life organization that has been battling the Culture of Death in the Netherlands since 1985, is predicting a massive turnout for the 25th March for Life in The Hague this weekend, with tens of thousands of people expected to participate in the silent march.

The theme of the March for Life, which will feature Dutch politicians as well as a pro-life UN lobbyist, is “When did your heart start beating?” and will draw attention to euthanasia as well.

Abortion was legalized in the Netherlands in 1980, and is currently legal up until 24 weeks, and legislation legalizing euthanasia was passed in 2002. The Netherlands became the first country since Nazi Germany to legalize euthanasia, and the numbers of Dutch men and women requesting euthanasia continue to rise annually.

One reason that Dutch pro-lifers expect a higher turnout and more enthusiasm this year is the fact that four of the seven operating abortion clinics in the Netherlands were shut down in 2017 due to massive fraud scandals.

Dutch abortion clinics had been submitting false reimbursements to the government, totaling nearly 15 million euros in fraudulent charges. Cry for Life hopes that pro-lifers can take advantage of the abortion industry’s setback and present Dutch women with compassionate and non-lethal options for pregnancy.

Editor’s note. This appeared at LifeSiteNews and is reposted with permission.

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