
Thursday, December 21, 2017

BREAKING: Waste Hauler Quits Fetal Remains Disposal ….

Waste Hauler Dumps Kentucky’s Last Abortion Clinic, Planned Parenthood Centers

Specific Waste stops disposing of fetal remains for abortion facilities

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – December 12, 2017 – In 2016, Created Equal launched #ProjectWeakLink aimed at forcing Stericycle, America’s largest medical waste hauler, to cease disposing of aborted fetuses for Planned Parenthood. In June of 2017, Created Equal confirmed that Stericycle had ceased disposing of aborted babies from abortion centers.

On November 7, 2017, having proven the concept, Created Equal launched phase two of #ProjectWeakLink, aimed at persuading Specific Waste Industries to stop enabling the abortion cartel by disposing of aborted babies.

On November 10, 2017, Specific Waste revealed that they had ceased to provide medical waste services for Kentucky’s last remaining abortion clinic and Planned Parenthood centers in the Midwest. 

See the video below or view it on YouTube using this link. 


The bottom line is: If abortionists can’t dispose of dead babies, they will be forced to stop killing them.

"We will ‘trust but verify’ Specific Waste’s claims regarding their refusal to dispose of fetal remains from abortion companies. However, we remain committed to ending abortion. Persuading every enabler of abortion to dump Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry altogether is one of many means to accomplish that goal." – Mark Harrington, National Director, Created Equal

Help us to seize upon another victory and stay one step ahead of the abortion cartel.


  • Contact Specific Waste’s CEO Victor Anderson at 502-425-2770 and thank him for dumping Planned Parenthood and EMW, the last abortion center in Kentucky.
  • Send Specific Waste’s CEO Victor Anderson an email to thank him for ceasing to dispose of aborted babies from abortion facilities. Click HERE to send your email.
  • Please send us information about abortionists or medical waste companies that service Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers in your area.

Created Equal is a social action movement seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination. Abortion robs us of our future. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.

For more information on Created Equal, or to help them with their work, please use this link.   

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