
Friday, December 22, 2017

Little Sisters of the Poor Back on the Docket

Federal Judge Blocks Religious Accommodation to HHS Contraceptive Mandate

by Jonathan Abbamonte
Population Research Institute

A federal judge in Pennsylvania has placed a nationwide temporary hold on the Trump Administration’s accommodations for persons with moral or religious objections to the HHS Contraceptive Mandate.

Judge Wendy Beetlestone, a district judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, on Friday issued a temporary injunction on the Administration’s newly implemented accommodation. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) filed the case against the Trump Administration. Several other states including California, Massachusetts, and Washington State have also filed lawsuitsattempting to repeal the government’s accommodation.

Judge Beetlestone’s order now prevents any religious entity, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, from claiming a religious or moral objection under the new rules.

Read more about it here

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