
Saturday, December 16, 2017

She Suffered Enormous Guilt After Taking Friend to Abortion Clinic

By Sarah Terzo
National Right to Life

A woman named Michelle talks about how she was crippled by guilt after helping a friend have an abortion:
“After I took my roommate home and got her settled, I started off for a visit to New York. It was a four hour drive and there was plenty of time for me to think… I began to realize that my friend’s abortion was troubling me…

Until then, I had just listened to what people had said about abortion and would accept what they thought… I had believed what they told me: “It’s a personal decision.”…

As I continued to drive, I felt as if I were drowning in a sea of silence. What was going on? I protested, I didn’t do anything! Yet I was haunted by what had happened that day and it rendered me numb…

That Sunday I went to church with my mom… While in church that morning, I heard a baby crying just a couple of seats away. The baby’s cry rang in my ears as if there was a message in the crying that I needed to hear…

Then as if a dam had burst, tears began to flow from my eyes. The more I tried to push back the strong current of tears, the heavier they flowed. I didn’t understand how I could feel such sorrow for an abortion that someone else had experienced. 

Then, suddenly, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me when I realized for the first time that abortion was death! There had been a death. I had not simply escorted my friend to an abortion clinic; I had taken part in a baby’s death! On that fateful day “the problem” had not been taken care of; instead, a life had been snuffed out!”

Cheryl Chew, Make Me Your Choice (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2006), pp. 122 – 123.
Editor’s note. This appeared at Clinic Quotes and is reposted with permission.

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