
Friday, December 15, 2017

Pennsylvania's Dismemberment Abortion Bill Has Passed But We Still Have Work to Do!


Barney Byrne

However one's opinion on Abortion is, I'm pretty certain, that "Dismemberment Abortion", which is the extracting of an unborn living child from the mother's uterus, one piece or limb at a time while the child is, as I said still alive, by using clamps, forceps, scissors and who knows what else in this procedure, I believe would be considered "Horrific" by the vast majority of Americans.

Just recently, the Pennsylvania Legislature had the courage to pass, Senate Bill 3, which would ban dismemberment abortions. Unfortunately, it will most likely be vetoed by our extreme Pro-Abortion Governor, Tom Wolf.

The vote in favor of the ban was, House of Representatives 121 to 70, and in the Senate 32 in favor and 18 against the ban. Again unfortunately, these totals would not be enough to override the Governor's veto.

We have to many politicians in the Pennsylvania Legislature who profess to be personally pro-life but who over their political careers have been staunch supporters of Planned Parenthood and Abortion in general.

My own Senator in District 10, Chuck McIlhinney, who I believe if memory serves me right, has often professed to be personally Pro-Life is one of those senators who voted no on Senate Bill 3, which would have banned this form of horrific abortion.

I've followed Senator McIlhinney's time in the Pennsylvania legislature and have come away with wondering how on earth he manages to keep getting re-elected. He was a thorn in fellow Republican, Governor Tom Corbett's side and kept a lot of good reform bills bottled up in his committee. This failure to work with the Governor, I believe, led to Governor Corbett's re-election defeat.

Senator McIlhinney was one of the original legislatures that passed the public employee pension plan, under Governor Tom Ridge, This is the pension plan that is leading a lot of our school districts and municipalities towards bankruptcy. The Senator recently signed on to a long term fix to the pension problem but one that will not effect the golden parachute pension that he helped passed for himself.

Can't we do better than this? Do we rally want someone representing us who will stand up and defend this hideous form of Abortion. In my opinion, people who have supported far less hideous acts have been by the World Court, convicted of war crimes.
Barney Byrne is a pro-life warrior who lives in Doylestown Township with his wife Barbara. 

Gov. Tom Wolf vows to veto this bill.  Fellow Pro-Life Pennsylvanians need to contact their Representatives and Senators and encourage them to vote to override Gov. Wolf's veto.  

Here is a link to use to find your Pennsylvania elected officials.  Please be firm but courteous when contacting  them.  

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