
Monday, December 11, 2017

Two Companies That Sold Aborted Baby Parts for Planned Parenthood Forced to Close Down

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

In what is the first successful prosecution in the scandal involving Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry, and the sale of aborted baby parts, two companies that sold aborted baby parts for the nation’s biggest abortion company have been forced to close down.

The two California-based companies reached a settlement with the Orange County District Attorney’s office of almost $8 million dollars. As a result of the settlement the two companies will close up shop over the next couple of months and will no longer be selling parts from babies killed in abortions for Planned Parenthood or anyone else.

This is huge news and the first successful result of the effort by the Center for Medical progress and leading pro-life organizations to expose the industry surrounding the sale of aborted baby parts.

Here’s more:

Two bioscience companies that once operated in Costa Mesa have reached a $7.785-million settlement with the Orange County district attorney’s office over allegations that they illegally sold fetal tissue to companies around the world, prosecutors said Friday.

According to the settlement signed Monday, DV Biologics LLC and sister company DaVinci Biosciences LLC, both based in Yorba Linda, must cease all operations in California within 60 to 120 days. The agreement also requires the companies to admit liability for violations of state and federal laws prohibiting the sale or purchase of fetal tissue for research purposes, prosecutors said.

Also named as defendants in the settlement are company principals Estefano Isaias Sr., Estefano Isaias Jr. and Andres Isaias.
“This settlement seized all profits from DV Biologics and DaVinci Biosciences, which they acquired by viewing body parts as a commodity and illegally selling fetal tissues for valuable consideration. These companies will never be able to operate again in Orange County or the state of California,” District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said in a statement.
The companies had faced a lawsuit accusing them of illegally selling parts of aborted babies’ brains for as much as $1,100 from 2009-2015 to to pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions in Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, the Netherlands, Canada and the United Kingdom. The suit alleged that DaVinci Biosciences and its sister company DV Biologics sold hundreds of fetal tissue products (aborted babies’ body parts) and stem cells to research facilities for a profit.

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood and medical groups peddling aborted babies’ body parts in a series of undercover videos, said the abortion chain is a long-time partner of the two companies.
“For eight years, Planned Parenthood supplied aborted baby hearts, lungs, brains, and intestines to DV Biologics, which DV Biologics then resold for profit,” Daleiden said. “In exchange for merely providing access to aborted baby body parts, Planned Parenthood received kickback contributions from DaVinci Biosciences over the course of their eight-year contract.
“Planned Parenthood is not above the law, and law enforcement and elected representatives everywhere must now hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their barbaric profiteering off of pregnant women and the body parts of their aborted children,” Daleiden added.
Life News report continues 

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