
Friday, December 15, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg on Planned Parenthood “No One is Harvesting Baby Parts”

By Tom Blumer
Life News

In November 2015, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar at The View rudely shut down then-presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, insisting that she was lying when she stated that Planned Parenthood had admitted to harvesting baby parts from aborted fetuses.

On Friday, in a development which is predictably failing to get the media visibility it deserves, Orange County’s district attorney announced a $7.8 million settlement with two California companies accused of “selling fetal-derived cells and tissues” obtained from fetal body parts acquired from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. When will ABC demand that Whoopi and Joy apologize to Fiorina — and to the nation?

Here is the relevant November 6, 2015 video excerpt:

Transcript (bolds are mine throughout this post):

CARLY FIORINA: Let’s just start with abortion.


FIORINA: I mentioned common ground. Actually, the American people have found common ground on this issue. Whether you’re pro-choice or pro-life — I’m pro-life. But whether you’re pro-choice or pro-life, the majority of Americans are horrified by the reality that we’re harvesting baby parts through late-term abortions.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Carly, I need to stop you —

FIORINA: The majority of Americans —

GOLDBERG: — because that is not — you know that’s not true.

FIORINA: You asked me a question.

GOLDBERG: Carly, no one is harvesting baby parts.

FIORINA: Well, that’s interesting. That’s interesting.

GOLDBERG: No one is harvesting baby parts.

FIORINA: That’s interesting—

GOLDBERG: Oh, Carly, come on, girl —

FIORINA: — that Planned Parenthood. It’s interesting that Planned Parenthood just announced that they were no longer going to take compensation for that —

GOLDBERG: They were not harvesting baby parts, baby. They were not harvesting— go ahead, Carly, because, yeah, you have the floor. My bad.

BEHAR: You can’t say things like that that aren’t true. That offends my sensibility to hear you say something like that when you know it’s not true.

By November 2015, 11 undercover videos had already been released by the Center for Medical Progress showing that Planned Parenthood had indeed been harvesting fetal body parts, and that the abortion provider was profiting from their sale, not merely recovering its costs.

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