
Friday, January 12, 2018

California May Force Public Colleges to Provide Abortion Pills to Students

"Sen. Leyva's bill is all about abortion, abortion and more abortion..." 

By Michael Gryboski
Christian Post

"The state has an interest in ensuring that every pregnant person in California who wants to have an abortion can obtain access to that care as easily and as early in pregnancy as possible."

The bill calls for the State Treasurer to establish and oversee a Medication Abortion Implementation Fund that will provide public colleges with grants for abortion-inducing drugs.

Senator Connie Leyva, author of SB 320, also called the "College Student Right to Access Act," said in a statement released Wednesday that the Committee's vote of approval helps "to improve the academic success of students."
"SB 320 ensures that university students are able to receive comprehensive health care services on campus—which includes receiving safe medication abortion services without needless delays or obstacles," stated Leyva.
"Students should not have to travel long distances, pay out of pocket or even miss class or work responsibilities in order to receive health care that can be provided at an on-campus facility that is specifically designed for student health care."
Having passed the Education Committee, SB 320 will next head to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration.

Pro-life groups are strongly opposed to the bill, with Californians for Life Director Wynette Sills telling the Sacramento Bee that SB 320 is built on a belief that abortion access is out of reach for students at the state colleges.

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