
Friday, January 12, 2018

Clinic Confirmed Baby Survived Abortion, Offered to Kill Her Again. Her Mom Refused: “God Preserved Her”

By Gayle Irwin
Life News

When “Lisa,” a 25-year-old woman, called Crossroads Care Center in Auburn Hills, Mich., in the fall of 2015, she felt like she was out of time, out of options, and destined to endure the remaining stages of an abortion she already regretted.

A week earlier at a nearby abortion business, Lisa had ingested mifepristone—the first of two pills in the chemical “abortion pill” regimen, meant to end the life of her preborn child. She had even taken the second pill in the regimen (misoprostol) to induce labor, but the contractions never came.

Lisa felt something was going drastically wrong.

In a follow-up appointment at the abortion business, Lisa told the clinic staff about her symptoms, and they confirmed via ultrasound that the chemical abortion had failed and her baby was still alive.

From there, abortion workers gave Lisa two “options”: they could finish the abortion via surgery or make another attempt at a chemical abortion.

“She chose neither of those,” Tracey Fish, a physician assistant who works with Crossroads Care Center, said. “She wanted to keep her child, but they didn’t offer her that option. So, she called us wondering if we could help her.”
Calling during off-hours, Lisa—who’d been to Crossroads while she was still trying to decide whether or not to keep her baby—reached Tim Stickel, the center’s executive director, who happened to be in the office.

Crossroads then connected Lisa with a high-risk ob-gyn for emergency treatment, and for care the rest of her pregnancy. In the meantime, Stickel, Fish and others spent precious hours in prayer, mentorship and biblical counseling with Lisa and the father of her baby—both during and after pregnancy.

In the spring of 2016, Lisa gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

“It was God who preserved her,” Stickel said. “We’ve never cried more and prayed more for somebody. It was an emotional roller coaster. There was a huge time investment, but it was only after God had done His work of preserving this child.”
As Stickel and his team at Crossroads—which serves over 200 clients each month—watched Lisa change her mind and successfully rescue her baby from an in-progress abortion, they began exploring new ways to help women like her.

Life News continues here

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

1 comment:

  1. If that is really a picture of her baby above, she is absolutely beautiful. Amazing story. I hope the young lady considers telling others her story. It would be powerful. Make sure you show that baby picture. She's Amazing!!
