
Monday, January 15, 2018

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Trashes Pro-Life People: You’re “Not in Line With Society”

“If you’re pro-life then you are ridiculed and insulted, but if you’re pro-choice then you’re praised,” the student told Trudeau

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s radically pro-abortion prime minister, blasted pro-life advocates Wednesday amid a nation-wide outrage about barring pro-life groups from a federal grant program.
“An organization that has the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion, the right for women to control their own bodies, is not in line with where we are as a government and quite frankly where we are as a society,” Trudeau said in answer to a question about free speech.
BuzzFeed reports the prime minister made the remarks Wednesday during a town hall event in Hamilton, Ontario. They came in answer to questions from a college student who attended the meeting.
“If you’re pro-life then you are ridiculed and insulted, but if you’re pro-choice then you’re praised,” the student told Trudeau, according to the National Post. “And I just want to know if this [free speech] is important to you.”
Trudeau answered: “Women have fought for generations for the right to control their own bodies, to be able to choose for themselves what to do with their bodies.
“When those beliefs lead to actions aimed to restrict a women’s right on what to do with her body, that’s where we draw the line,” Trudeau continued, according to Global News.
Here’s more: Trudeau said that “defending rights and freedoms” is at the core of both himself and Canada, but the issue of abortion presents particular considerations.

He then referenced recent changes to the Summer Jobs program that requires applicants adhere to Canadian rights — including access to abortions, and protections for LGBT Canadians. The program funds summer job placements for not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses, the Canadian Press reported.

In the past, both pro-life and pro-abortion organizations have received grants to offer jobs to young adults. However, pro-abortion political leaders recently cut off grants to groups that will not bow to the altar of abortion on demand.

The new requirement by Trudeau’s government prompted a massive outcry from the public. Hundreds of charities, religious groups and other non-profits are protesting the government’s demand that they support the killing of unborn babies for any reason up to birth.

The new 2018 grant application requires groups to say that they respect “reproductive rights,” including abortion on demand, as one of their core values. Groups cannot submit the online application unless they do, according to the Post.

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