
Monday, January 15, 2018

Three-Year-Old Sister of Aborted Baby: Mom Why Didn’t You Kill Me Too?

By Sarah Terzo, Clinic
Life News

When I was 3 years old I saw my mom on TV. She was speaking to a man about how she killed her baby and regretted it. As she told her story and how she became a pro-life speaker, I watched and listened. My grandma didn't think I was old enough to understand.

When my mom picked me up that night I asked her why she killed my brother or sister and why she didn't kill me. My mom said she was in shock that her 3-year-old would ask these questions. She answered them the best she could for me, and as I got older I learned more.

Now my mom and I are pro-life speakers. She has been one for almost 15 years, and I just started last year. My mom was 18 when she had the abortion, and I'm now 17.

"I thank God I'm alive."

I thank God I'm alive. I'm still sad to know I have an older brother or sister who was denied the chance to LIVE - something we all take for granted. I hope someday we will meet. That's why I do what I do.

Blogger's note:

A woman once confided to me that she had two abortions when she was in her twenties. Many years had passed when she surrendered her life to Christ. She repented of her sin and decided to share the truth of having two abortions with her teenage daughter. After her mother told her of aborting two of her siblings, the daughter became angry and resentful. With much prayer, Christ's healing and forgiving love their relationship was eventually healed and restored.

Abortion affects not only siblings, but also grandparents and extended family.  The pain, heartache, depression, spiritual and emotional toll of taking the life of just one unborn baby is beyond our understanding. 

Through Christ-centered ministries like Rachael's VineyardHelp After Abortion, Silent No More and other post-abortive organizations, there is hope. As a result of these ministries, mothers, fathers and families have found emotional and spiritual healing, forgiveness and restoration through Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed."  Isaiah 53:5

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