
Friday, February 2, 2018

In Waco, Texas, So Much to do in Preparation for 40 Days for Life

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. Four precious babies saved.

Last Wednesday Thursday Friday, January 24/25/26, were abortion days in Waco. This was also the first set of days that CareNet Pregnancy Center of Central Texas was positioned on site across the street from Planned Parenthood with its big beautiful purple sonogram bus.

That's the name I've given it. On Wednesday, an abortion-minded mom left Planned Parenthood for CareNet counselling and decided on life for her baby. On Thursday, an abortion-minded mom left Planned Parenthood for CareNet counselling and decided on life for her baby. On Friday, TWO abortion-minded mom left Planned Parenthood for CareNet counselling and decided on life for their baby. Glory be to God. And praise and appreciation to Care Net. Life and eternity were changed for 4 families.

2. Centex Care Net CEO is featured speaker to Texas Rallies for Life.

While on CareNet, you should know that CareNet CEO, Deborah McGregor, was a featured speaker at the Roe-week rallies in Dallas and Austin. The state of Texas realizes that the major front of the abortion battle in this great state is WACO. You can watch Deborah's terrific presentation in at the state capital by clicking on this link.  (This will only work if you are a member of Facebook). 

3. 40 Days for Life begins February 14. We need your commitment.

Yikes! Thursday was Feb 1. The babies and moms need your commitment to pray now. Here are the specifics of 40 Days for Life prayer vigil at the new Planned Parenthood.

You can be a prayer volunteer for as little as one hour during the 40 days. But I’m hopeful that you will sign up for one hour (or more) each week for each of the six weeks. After you sign up you can then bring others into the blessings of 40 Days for Life. Here is a link to the sign-up form.

You can send the form(s) to Pro-Life Waco, PO Box 7771, Waco, TX 76714. You could also send the basic information of the form to me in an email or give forms back to Aine Fitzgerald or me at PLW events. There is one more sign up option. If you are adept at internet navigation, go to

I am eager and excited to see how God will bless what hometown foot soldiers offer for the Culture of Life during Spring 40 Days for Life.

4. Sidewalk counselling training happens this Saturday, Feb 3. 

The time is 9 AM to 2 PM. The location is St. Mary's Parish Hall, 1424 Columbus Ave. (map) This is the corner of Columbus Ave and 15th St.

CareNet Pregnancy Center sponsors this event and uses the training materials from a national outreach organization, Sidewalk Advocates for Life.

This is definitely for you if you have an interest in talking to and counselling abortion-minded moms and all clients of Planned Parenthood in Waco. This is also valuable for anyone simply trying to improve their ability to carry out persuasive conversations about the scourge of abortion.

If you will be a part of this event simply respond to this email and say "I'm in for sidewalk counselling on Saturday." This will be one of the most memorable days of 2018 for you.
Remember, sidewalk counselling played a significant role in saving the lives of four preborn babies last week!

5. Pro-Life Waco Overpass Outreach has highest attendance of any Roe week event in Texas


Some say the Dallas rally was most attended. Others say it was Austin at the state capital. Actually, the greatest number viewed the I-35 Pedestrian Overpass Outreach in Waco. We estimate 15,000 travelers view our message in the two hours hour from 10 a.m. to noon on January 22. Two dozen home town foot soldiers delivered high-spirited outreach. Three local TV news journalists came out and covered the event. The best coverage was from KWTX, the CBS affiliate in Waco. This link will take you to the text of the very positive news segment.

6. Get you your yard sign yesterday—or at least today.


This is a powerful way that everyone can participate in 40 Days for Life. This year we have yard signs in both English and Spanish. The message in big letters in English is "Pray to end abortion". In Spanish,​ it is "Oremos por el fin del aborto". Your choice.

You can pick up a yard sign at my front door steps at 4200 Grim Ave. My home will pop out clearly when you get close with all the pro-life yard signs I have. With a yard sign on your property, you tell your neighbors and passersby that you are praying and standing for the little babies endangered by abortion. If you have a friend who will display a yard sign, pick up two. Yard signs are free to life defenders.


Life Chain outreach is this Sunday. 2-3 p.m. Corner of Valley Mills and Waco Drive (map). Look for the Billboard Truck near Pei Wei Restaurant. This is one more way that the Central Texas band of brothers and sister for life can proclaim their message and possibly save a life and/or change one heart.


Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us on FacebookGoogle, and Pinterest.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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