
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Pennsylvania Action Alert: Support Unborn Children with Down Syndrome

from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference

As many as 90 percent of unborn children diagnosed in utero with Down Syndrome in the United States are aborted, according to the findings of some studies.

Legislation that will be introduced into the Pennsylvania House of Representatives would enact a ban on aborting an unborn child as a result of a Down Syndrome diagnosis.

It is imperative to protect the sanctity of life at every stage, and this bill would protect Down Syndrome children in the womb.

At this time, the lawmakers introducing the bill are requesting fellow state representatives to support this bill.

Tell your state representative to support this bill by sending them a message today!

The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is the public affairs arm of Pennsylvania’s Catholic bishops and the Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania. There are 10 Catholic dioceses in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Eight are Latin Rite dioceses, fully contained within the Commonwealth. Two are Byzantine Rite dioceses with Apostolic Sees in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference has set broad objectives and highlighted some particular issues of concern.  Use this link for more information.  

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