
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Planned Parenthood Sues President Trump After He Defunded Its Programs Pushing Sex on Kids

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

There’s nothing, it seems, that the abortion chain Planned Parenthood won’t sue over.

On Thursday, affiliates of the abortion chain in seven states sued the Trump administration for cutting funding for their questionable teen pregnancy prevention programs.

The Daily Nonpareil reports the lawsuits argue that the Trump administration wrongly cut their funding prematurely and without cause. Nine groups, including Planned Parenthood affiliates in Washington, Iowa, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas and Maryland, are part of the lawsuit.

Last year, the Trump administration announced plans to cut about $200 million in grants to the abortion chain and other participants in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP). It said the program did not help reduce teen pregnancies and wasted tax dollars.

Planned Parenthood contends that its sex education programs are effective.

“The suits filed today argue that the termination of TPPP without cause is contrary to HHS’s own regulations, in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act,” said Healthy Teen Network, a partner of the abortion chain, in a statement. “TPPP is a gold-star example of evidence-based policymaking in action and the grantees were given no explanation for the termination.”
Here’s more from the Iowa report:

The grant was $965,988 per year and was scheduled to last until 2020, said Becca Lee, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

She said Planned Parenthood worked with other organizations to deliver abstinence education and other sex education programs to youth at risk for unwanted pregnancy. The program also collected data on what works and what doesn’t so that money would be well spent, Lee said. It also helped the youths recognize the need for birth control until they decide to become parents, she said.

The Teen Pregnancy and Prevention Program was launched by the Obama administration in 2010. Funding was to last until 2020, but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last year that it would terminate funding this June.

Planned Parenthood affiliates received several million dollars in taxpayer funds through the program. Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands received $1 million annually to target rural teens. And Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho, as well as Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, also received grants of nearly $1 million each annually to promote their risky sex agenda to teens.

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