
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Pro-Lifers Ask for Meeting With FBI Director Over Agents’ Texts Trashing March for Life

They plan to ask these Congressional committees for more details regarding the FBI’s investigation into Planned Parenthood.

By Claire Chretien
Life Site News

Pro-life activists are asking for a face-to-face meeting with FBI Director Christopher Wray after text messages between two disgraced FBI agents revealed they “truly hate” pro-lifers and wished for an excuse to cancel the 2016 March for Life.
“In light of these offensive texts, the pro-life movement has serious questions concerning the impartiality and credibility of the FBI toward our community,” says a letter the activists sent to Wray.
It was signed by Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, Mark Harrington of Created Equal, Father Terry Gensemer of CEC for Life, Larry Cirignano of the Children First Foundation, Lauren Handy of Mercy Missions, and Father Stephen Imbaratto of Priests for Life.

The text message exchange between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress FBI attorney Lisa Page is below:
FBI agent Strzok: “F*cking marchers making traffic problems.”
FBI attorney Page: “Yeah, some extremely offensive video screens set up in front of district. I truly hate these people. No support for the woman who actually has to spend the rest of her life rearing this child, but we care about ‘life.’ Assholes.”
FBI agent Strzok: “...Hey, I have an idea! Snow emergency, cancel the permit.”
“Is there a culture of animosity toward the pro-life movement by the FBI?” the leaders asked in their letter. “Are there systematic prejudices by the FBI toward peaceful citizens who oppose the violence of abortion?”
“Imagine if it was said about the members of the LGBT community or the women’s marches that were just held in D.C.,” Mahoney, who read the letter outside the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover building this morning, told LifeSiteNews.
“Could one imagine Rev. Jesse Jackson [or] Rev. Al Sharpton having a civil rights march in Washington, D.C. and members of the FBI calling them ‘f-ing marchers,’ calling them ‘assholes,’ saying, ‘oh, we would like to stop this event. Oh, we truly hate these people’?” he asked.
“We’re here to get assurances from Director Wray that there is not a systemic bias and bigotry against the pro-life community by the FBI,” Mahoney explained. “We definitely need those assurances” given the FBI is investigating Planned Parenthood and other abortion entities for trafficking aborted babies’ body parts.
“Can we really expect an honest and thorough and credible hearing?” Mahoney asked. “Who is overseeing this FBI investigation into Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers? Will it be fair? Will it be without prejudice? Will it not have this bias that we’ve seen from these two employees of the FBI?”

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