
Saturday, May 12, 2018


"Of all the women's rights given to us by God, being a mother is the most magnificent. Let us thank God as we 'Celebrate Motherhood.'" - Alveda King

By Dr. Alveda King's Blog Priests for Life
Breaking Christian News

For some, the call to Motherhood is biological; adoption beckons others; and beyond these important roles, God calls some to be "spiritual" moms. It is my prayer that we as human beings will set aside all political platforms this season, and just give thanks to God for the gift of mothers. 

While it's true that every woman isn't a mother, it can be understood that every mother is a woman. Furthermore, everyone who has been born, past, and present; all of us, male and female, were birthed by a mother.

"When Jesus therefore saw his [biological] mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, Jesus said unto his [supernatural birth] mother, 'Woman, behold thy Son!' Then Jesus said to the disciple, 'Behold thy mother!' And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home." John 19:26-27
We can see from this passage that the role of mother opens doors to many possibilities.

This year on Mothers' Day, women who are also mothers will be celebrated around the world. As mothers, we walk different spiritual paths. We are enjoying different seasons of life. What brings us together in celebration is this divine bond called Motherhood. 

Of all the women's rights given to us by God, being a mother is the most magnificent. Parenting has been said to be the great equalizer connecting us beyond race, religion, social status and income level. What joins us together now and forever is that we are all in the same human tribe: Born of One Blood. (Acts 17:26)
"Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all human beings." Genesis 3:20 (GNT)
"Children are a gift from God." Psalm 127:3
"Her children rise up and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28
Of course, everyone living is special in God's eyes; yet on this special day we honor our mothers; past, present and future.

The awesome power within the bodies and hearts of women to bring children into this world and nurture them by birth or adoption is miraculously within humanity to acknowledge and celebrate. The career of Motherhood has a never-ending salary valued at: "Priceless." Of all the women's rights given to us by God, being a mother is the most magnificent. Let us thank God as we "Celebrate Motherhood."

Website: Breaking Christian News

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