
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Pro-Life Advocates Slam Justin Trudeau’s New Policy Forcing Churches to Promote Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-life Canadians marched in droves Thursday to protest the pro-abortion policies of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Pro-life leaders said they believe the Canadian leader’s radical ideology brought the large crowd to Ottawa this year for the annual March for Life. According to the Daily Caller, approximately 15,000 marched, despite strong winds and the threat of a storm.

Campaign Life Coalition spokesman Matthew Wojciechowski told the Canadian Press that the crowd was much bigger than last year’s because of the outrage over the Canadian Summer Jobs program.
“It gave people more reason to be upset about the current situation and has motivated them to do something,” he said.
Last year, Trudeau’s administration introduced a new policy requiring any group that applies for a Canadian Summer Jobs grant to sign a statement that they support abortion. The requirement has prompted protests from Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religious groups, but Trudeau has refused to make any exceptions.

Wojciechowski said many Canadians find it “extremely upsetting” that the government leaders are forcing its pro-abortion ideology on taxpayers.
“A lot of business owners and people in this audience have definitely been affected by this — whether it’s students or employers saying they cannot sign the attestation,” he said.
Some of the signs at the march reflected pro-lifers’ disgust with the prime minister’s abortion agenda, too.

This year, the Trudeau administration rejected a record 1,500 summer job grant applications because they “either didn’t check off the [pro-abortion] attestation or included a clarification or modification of it,” the National Post reports. In comparison, it rejected only 126 of more than 40,000 applications in 2017, according to the report.

Many of those programs served refugees, low-income children and other minority groups. But because of the Trudeau administration, they have been forced to close or drastically reduce their programs.

Canadian taxpayers pay about $200 million a year to support the youth-based program, which provides funding for businesses and non-profits to offer temporary summer jobs to youth ages 15 to 30. It is a way the government encourages young people to get hands-on training before entering the workforce full-time.

In the past, both pro-life and pro-abortion organizations have received grants to offer jobs to young adults. However, pro-abortion political leaders cut off grants to groups that will not bow to the altar of abortion on demand.

Life News article continues here

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