
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June Updates for Pro-Life Waco Outreach

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. Public Challenge Thursday to Wacoan Magazine for ads promoting Planned Parenthood.
Wacoan Magazine (monthly) has accepted Planned Parenthood advertising in 2018, 2017 and also back in 2011, 2012, and 2013. I am confident there are ads I have missed. Since 1994, over 20,000 babies in the womb have lost their lives to Planned Parenthood abortions in Waco.

The Wacoan ad in January of 2018 was a full page, featured a photo of the new PP facility on HWY 6, and explicitly included “Safe, Legal Abortion.”

In voice and letter, many of us have asked Wacoan management to commit to no future advertising of Planned Parenthood. Our requests have been rebuffed.
So now we will hold signs in the public right of way in front of the Wacoan office at 919 N Valley Mills Drive (close to Wendy’s). While I realize this type of event is not for everyone, I ask you to consider being a part of this life-defender proclamation to our neighbors.

The time is 4-6 p.m. If you could attend any part of this, that would be great. There is plenty of parking on nearby cross streets to Valley Mills Drive and also in business parking. I will bring signs that shine the light on the reality of Wacoan Magazine entanglement with Planned Parenthood. Here is one of the sign messages. 

The goals for the protests are: 1. persuade Wacoan Magazine to commit to no future ads for PP, 2. send a message to the broader Waco-area business community that business relationships with PP may not be to their advantage, 3. communicate to our neighbors that they have neighbors who will work boldly to defend babies in the womb, and, 4. provide an outreach opportunity to members of our collaboration who want this type of engagement.

You are welcome to come out at the last minute if you decide. In the meantime, if you think you will be there, I would appreciate your writing back and so I can be sure I have enough signs. What we will do on Thursday will be legal, civil, and respectful.

2. June 10, Second Sunday is back! (From missing Second Sunday in May.) 

I am ready to cook Mama Rosa’s award-winning tomato-basil pasta sauce and to see you. 

 Here is the ad that is running the Waco Tribune-Herald. The testimony of Stephanie Lee will be even more special than our meal. Bring your friends. 

Bring your children and grandchildren. Together, let’s keep the life-defender movement of Central Texas going strong. We are called to help save lives and nurture souls!

3. Monthly Life Chain is growing!

We had a wonderful Life Chain outreach on June 3. Participation increased again. Over 30 were on site over the hour from 2 to 3 PM on that busy intersection of Valley Mills and Waco Drive. Ages ranged from under 10 to over 80. The temperature did not reach 100. It was hot and humid. Two travelers dropped off liquid refreshments – – cold water and Iced-Tea. Very much appreciated. One person stopped to vigorously challenge us. We handle that well and ended up praying with him. The new pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Rev. Peter Kolb was able to be with us briefly for Life Chain. We look forward to a very positive collaboration with Pastor Peter, his wife, and beautiful family. We will continue to have a profound impact with Life Chain during the hot summer months. I am hoping for at least 100° temperature for July 1 Life Chain, which will have a patriotic theme. Enjoy the photos of your fellow foot soldiers.


Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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