
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Democrat PA Congressional Candidate, Scott Wallace: Tax Parents With More Than 2 Kids Because They’re “Irresponsible Breeders”

The types of policies that Wallace puts his money behind are the real danger to women and families.

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

An abortion activist with radical ideas about population control is running for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania.

Scott Wallace, a millionaire Democrat, is challenging U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick for the 1st Congressional District of Pennsylvania. He received the endorsements of Planned Parenthood and the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.)

But Wallace’s abortion activism goes beyond support of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups. PJ Media reports his Wallace Global Fund has donated almost $7 million to population control groups in the past 20 years, including groups that advocate for taxing families with more than two children.

Here’s more from the report:

Between 1997 and 2003, Wallace gave $420,000 to Zero Population Growth (ZPG) — now Population Connection — an organization co-founded by “Population Bomb” author Paul Ehrlich, Fox News reported.

From before its inception, ZPG had announced its intentions to tax large families for the “privilege of irresponsible breeding.” A 1968 brochure advocated abortion to stabilize population growth and claimed that “no responsible family should have more than two children.” Therefore, “irresponsible people who have more than two children should be taxed to the hilt for the privilege of irresponsible breeding.”

In 2010, his group also gave $20,000 to the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, which supports zero population growth, the report states. Its Executive Board Member Herman Daly also advocated for a coercive two child policy that would require families to buy licenses if they have more than two children, according to the report.

Wallace’s campaign communications director Zoe Wilson-Meyer did not specifically address these concerns. Instead, she emphasized his supposedly “pro-woman” policies, including support for the largest abortion business in America, Planned Parenthood.
“The Wallace Global Fund has for decades been a leader in helping women gain access to family planning,” Wilson-Meyer said. “Former Co-Chair Scott Wallace is proud of the work of grantees like Planned Parenthood in empowering women and protecting reproductive rights and will stand up for Pennsylvania women.”
On his website, Wallace bragged that his mother used to work at Planned Parenthood of Bucks County.
“While we have made great strides since my mother’s time at Planned Parenthood of Bucks County, women’s rights are under attack everyday (sic). With the entire Congress and the White House under far-right, anti-choice control, it is more important than ever to protect Planned Parenthood’s work and the great value they deliver to the women of America,” he said in a statement online.
Life News article continues here

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