
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

FDA Shock: Abortion Pill Caused 22 Deaths and a Thousand Hospitalizations

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

At least 22 women have died after taking the abortion pill regimen, RU-486, and many others have experienced serious complications, according to updated data from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While abortion — and specifically, medication abortion — is sold to women as “safe,” there can be serious and life threatening complications from the abortion pill, as noted by the pills’ manufacturer, Danco. 

Although Danco is required to report any death associated with Mifeprex, women experiencing complications, various factors — such as not returning to the abortion provider or not reporting use of the drug to emergency personnel — may cause these numbers to seem lower than they actually are.

The abortion lobby is pushing for easy access to the abortion pill on college campuses and some are even calling for it to be approved for home use. No doubt, we may never know how many women suffer serious complications or succumb to death from the abortion pill if this happens. Clearly, according to its manufacturer, there are serious risks:
Image: RU486 abortion pill serious complications (Image credit: DANCO)
RU486 abortion pill serious complications (Image credit: DANCO)
The abortion inducing regimen is made up of two pills, Mifeprex (mifepristone) and misoprostol, which, according to the FDA, will end “an early pregnancy (70 days or less since the first day of the last menstrual period).” Of course, “the pregnancy” is a term for ending the life of a preborn child in the womb. But, sometimes these chemicals also claim the lives of their mothers. The abortion is explained by Dr. Anthony Levatino in the video below:

Monte Patterson, the father of Holly Patterson, attempted to convey the dangers of the abortion pill before a House committee in 2006, when far fewer women had died. Holding a picture of his daughter, Monte described to that committee the tragic way Holly died after being given the drug at Planned Parenthood.

Image: Monte Patterson holds up pic of daughter dead after taking RU486 at Planned Parenthood (Image credit: CSPAN)
Monte Patterson holds up pic of daughter dead after taking RU486 at Planned Parenthood (Image credit: CSPAN)
“I wanted to show you a picture of my daughter so at least you see what I have lost… Holly, who died at 18, and the other women who have died or have been seriously hurt by taking the RU-486 medical abortion drug regimen as a solution to their unplanned pregnancy, ” Mr. Patterson said.
He told the committee:
Twelve days after Holly’s 18th birthday, on September 10, 2003, she walked into a Planned Parenthood clinic to be administered an RU-486 medical abortion regimen. By the 4th day, she was admitted to the emergency room…. She complained of bleeding, cramping, constipation, and pain, but subsequently, she was sent home. Seven days after taking RU-486, Holly returned to the same emergency room hospital complaining of weakness, vomiting, abdominal pain.
Hours later, I was called to the hospital, where I found her surrounded by doctors and nurses, barely conscious and struggling to breathe. Holly was so weak she could barely hold onto my hand…. I watched Holly succumb to a massive bacterial infection as a result of a drug-induced abortion with RU-486….
Live Action News continues here

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

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