
Friday, August 17, 2018

New “Gosnell” Movie Slams Media for Ignoring How Abortionist Killed Newborn Babies in “Abortions”

“The media who ignored the story will have to explain to millions of people who will see the movie why they censored this story.” 

By Katie Yoder
Life News

The new trailer for Gosnell teases the horror story of a murderous abortionist and his trial – including scenes of empty media seats in the courtroom. It’s right. I know because I was there.

The trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, in which witnesses described baby abortion survivors “swimming” in toilets “to get out,” attracted a mere 12 – 15 reporters (many of whom, I noticed, were local). Only after 56 days did all three broadcast networks report on Gosnell. But the story is about to garner a new wave of attention with GVN Releasing opening the film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, to as many as 750 theaters October 12.

On Tuesday, The Hollywood Reporter (THR) broke the news that filmmakers had released a trailer for the anticipated Gosnell film, which stars big name actors.

In the moving video, actor Michael Beach’s character, district attorney Dan Molinari, warns those investigating Gosnell that, “When you get to the courthouse, you are going to be swarmed by reporters.”

But as they walk past empty rows of seats with signs reading “This row reserved for press,” actor Dean Cain, who plays a detective, asks, “Where is everybody?”

Among other things, Gosnell was convicted May 2013 of one count of involuntary manslaughter and the first-degree murder of three babies (while the Grand Jury report, THR has noted, “alleges Gosnell killed hundreds of infants by sticking scissors into their necks”).

But the film isn’t just for pro-life audiences, as one scene in the trailer stresses.
“There’s nothing that man did that protects women or children,” actress Sarah Jane Morris’s character, assistant district attorney Alexis Mcguire, says of Gosnell. “And you don’t have to be a pro-life activist to see that.”
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In addition to Gosnell’s trial, the filmmakers say they themselves faced challenges in the media as well as the legal system and Hollywood, for their upcoming movie revealing the story of “America’s biggest serial killer.”

In an exclusive statement to MRC Culture in June, producer Ann McElhinney stated that “finally the Gosnell story will be exposed.”
“Most Americans have never heard the name Dr. Kermit Gosnell because the mainstream journalists chose not to cover the trail,” she said, because “the left don’t want the truth about abortion to be known.”
But the Hat Tip Films movie, produced by herself and husband Phelim McAleer, “will do that and a lot more.”
“The movie is as much as exposé of the media as it is of abortion,” she added. “The media who ignored the story will have to explain to millions of people who will see the movie why they censored this story.”
The filming of the movie itself, sponsored by a crowd-funding campaign, faced censorship. But after raising $2.3 million, Gosnell became the most successful crowdfunded movie on Indiegogo.

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