
Friday, August 17, 2018

Outreach Alert: WACOAN Magazine Still Embraces Planned Parenthood. Gosnell Movie Coming to Waco

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. WACOAN magazine ads promoting Planned Parenthood must STOP.

Our challenge remains until WACOAN commits to no further ads for Planned Parenthood.
Protest WACOAN 3.0: Our third protest of the WACOAN magazine is at 919 N Valley Mills Drive from 4 to 6 p.m. this Friday August 17. WE NEED YOU. We would love to have families with children out there. Weather looks like it will be moderate.
There are further developments on this front of the battle against the business enablers of Planned Parenthood. Three weeks ago, I sent out 50 letters to advertisers in the WACOAN to urge them to make the point that the advertising for Planned Parenthood should STOP.
This is one email communication from an advertiser. I have reworded it a bit so as not to reveal who the advertiser is:

I have recently learned that the WACOAN advertises for Planned Parenthood, Waco. This is upsetting and will influence the use of our advertising dollars. Rather than pulling our support, I wanted to urge you from the viewpoint of an advertiser to focus on families and communities instead of on partisan politics to build your publication. I welcome any feedback you may have.

And this is the response from the WACOAN Magazine:
We have owned the WACOAN for going on 19 years. 
In the 19 years that we have owned the WACOAN we have accepted 8 ads for Planned Parenthood. We have never donated money or given free ads to that organization. 
Each month we donate ads to nonprofits and we have written editorials to countless nonprofits around this wonderful community every month for 19 years.
Obviously, this response from the WACOAN is not satisfactory. Basically, the management of the WACOAN is saying they do not donate to Planned Parenthood, however, they do not hesitate to make a profit from ad promoting Planned Parenthood abortions.

Our challenge to the WACOAN will end when they commit to no future for Planned Parenthood advertisements

I look forward to seeing you Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. No need to be there the full time. We are going to stand up in opposition to those who profit in any way for the tragic deaths of the precious innocents.

2. The Gosnell movie will be shown in Waco before it opens in theatres across the country.

The Gosnell Movie is coming to Waco in late September for a screening before its national opening in theatre. Of course, this the stories of the serial murderer of babies in the womb and outside the womb. We will give more information at this great event in Waco solidifies. Aine Fitzgerald is working very hard on this. Here is the trailer that has just been released for the Gosnell movie.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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