
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pro-Abortion Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi Claims, “I Am a Practicing Catholic”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi continued to tout herself as a devout Catholic on Thursday, despite her long record of supporting abortion on demand.

During a press meeting Thursday, the California Democrat answered questions about the sexual abuse scandal within the Catholic church, CNS News reports.

In response, Pelosi repeatedly emphasized her devotion to her Catholic faith.
“Well, as a practicing Catholic, I feel great sadness for what has happened in the church,” Pelosi said. “I feel sadness for what it means to the church writ large, but more sad about what it means to the individuals who have been abused, and that they should be respected, protected, and that we have to get to the bottom of it.”
Later she continued: “I’ve seen friends who had most devotion to the church be the most disappointed in it. But I think we have to stay strong because we are, in our view, the Eucharist, the body of Christ, we are all part of the church. And if we have some cancerous elements there, we have to remove all doubt, again, that that will not be how we proceed. It’s very sad.
“It’s a very interesting time and I’ve tried to encourage people to be prayerful within the church and we’ll make a judgment when we see what comes,” Pelosi said. “I’m hopeful that what His Holiness is calling for will have the results that hopefully it is intended to do.”
Her sympathy for the abuse victims and calls for justice are what they should be. Yet, Pelosi continues to ignore another marginalized group that her faith teaches must be protected: babies in the womb.

Pelosi has a strong pro-abortion voting record. In 2013, she put her foot in her mouth during a press conference, calling the battle to keep late-term abortions legal “sacred ground.” Then, earlier this year, she criticized pro-life pregnancy centers, calling them “anti-choice” efforts to “deceive and prey on vulnerable women.”

In January 2017, just before the annual March for Life, Pelosi blasted pro-life Republicans, saying, “They pray in church on Sunday, and prey on everyone the rest of the week.”

Her stance on abortion is in opposition to her faith’s teachings. It also radical in most Americans’ eyes. Polls consistently show that most Americans oppose most abortions. Just a slim percent of Americans want abortion to be legal up until birth, and very few want their tax dollars to pay for abortions.

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