
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Woman Accusing Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Harassment and Her Lawyer Are Democrat Activists

By Kyle Drennen
Life News

While all three network morning shows on Monday reported on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh being accused of sexual assault as a teenager in the 1980s and conducted interviews with the accuser’s lawyer, only NBC pointed out that both the woman leveling the allegation and her attorney were Democratic Party activists.

During an interview with attorney Debra Katz on the Today show, co-host Savannah Guthrie briefly noted the political affiliation of her client, California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford: “And then, finally, you know, according to The Washington Post, she’s a Democrat. A lot of people look at this and say, here’s somebody who has a political motive to tell this story. What would you say to that?”

Katz dismissed the question: “I would say no one in their right mind, regardless of their motive, would want to inject themselves into this process and face the kind of annihilation that she will be subjected to by those who want this nominee to go through. This is not a politically motivated action.” 

Ford has not only donated to Democrats, but also recently signed on to a Physicians for Human Rights letter protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Neither Guthrie, nor her colleagues on ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, ever confronted Katz on her own Democratic activism. In 2017, Katz labeled all senior Trump administration officials to be “miscreants.” Hypocritically, she also staunchly and repeatedly defended Bill Clinton against claims of sexual harassment made by Paula Jones in the 1990s.

While Katz didn’t have to answer such difficult questions, in the 9:00 a.m. ET hour, NBC anchor Megyn Kelly informed viewers about the liberal leanings of both Katz and Ford. During a panel discussion about the Kavanaugh allegations, Kelly mentioned that Ford was “a big Democratic donor.” Correspondent Stephanie Gosk acknowledged that fact, but argued: “…something that is politically motivated can also be true. I mean, the events could have happened even if the revelation of them was politically motivated.”

Minutes later, Kelly further explained:

In this case, it’s dicier because she is a Democrat donor, his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. Her lawyer, Debra Katz, is a very well known Democratic activist. Who by the way – her lawyer was very defensive of Bill Clinton when he got accused of Paula Jones and said that one allegation of Bill Clinton allegedly taking out his private parts in front of Paula Jones wasn’t enough for sexual harassment. But now, wants to – you know, this Supreme Court nomination not to go forward because of this allegation.

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