
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

One Reviewer Gives a Harrowingly Accurate Portrait of the Man Who is the Subject of “Gosnell – The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer”

 You might want to invite people who have no opinion on abortion in particular, because this movie presents the real face of the
Abortion Industry.

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

With the nationwide opening of “Gosnell – The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” just ahead on October 12, I’ve been looking around to read what critics who saw a sneak preview would say.

I ran across Stephanie Sadowski’s review which appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Her lead is encouraging:

There is a movie being made about Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, whose court case alone showed to be the stuff of horror films. And that is no hyperbole, exaggeration, or hype.

It honestly would be nigh on impossible to go any further than the truth. Gosnell murdered hundreds of full-term babies by delivering them alive and then severing their spinal cords. He killed thousands of other babies in his “House of Horrors” which was filthy nearly beyond description. Two women also died, although it is miracle given how unskilled Gosnell’s staff was, that many more women didn’t die.

Sadowski’s review is essentially a recitation of the grim facts of the case which culminated in three consecutive life sentences for Gosnell.

In a case that became a flashpoint in the nation’s abortion debate, former clinic employees testified that Gosnell routinely performed illegal abortions past Pennsylvania’s 24-week limit, that he delivered babies who were still moving, whimpering or breathing, and that he and his assistants dispatched the newborns by “snipping” their spines, as he referred to it.

The gruesome details of Gosnell’s operation came out in 2011 during a grand jury investigation of prescription drug trafficking. Authorities raiding Gosnell’s clinic for drugs instead found bags and bottles of fetuses, including jars of severed feet, along with bloodstained furniture, dirty medical instruments and cats roaming the premises.

During the trial, Gosnell proved a solitary figure from beginning to end, with no friends or relatives in the courtroom, despite the fact he’s been married three times and has six children, nearly all of them adults.

Sadowski gives Gosnell’s standard defense, by quoting from a Philadelphia Daily News 2010 interview. “I wanted to be an effective, positive force in the minority community,” Gosnell said, adding, “I believe in the long term I will be vindicated.”

I wrote about that interview at length. Please take a few minutes to read it. The interview Gosnell gave David Gambacorta long before he went on trial is incredibly revealing.

Sadowski ends with a paragraph that gives the reader a sense of just far Gosnell—this “positive force in the minority community”—would go. (Almost all of the women he aborted were women of color.)

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