
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf Wants to Expand Abortion Up to Birth, While Scott Wagner is Pro-Life

Gov. Wolf's Opponent, Scott Wagner is 100% Pro-Life and Has the Voting Record to Prove It.

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is campaigning for re-election on a radical pro-abortion platform that supports abortion on demand and taxpayer funding of the nation’s largest abortion provider.

His Republican challenger, Scott Wagner, could not be more different. Wagner is “100-percent pro-life” and has the voting record to show it.

Pennsylvania is a swing state that Republican President Donald Trump won in 2016. Both the state House and Senate are controlled by Republicans and appear likely to continue to be. So, this fall, abortion advocacy groups are spending millions of dollars to try to keep Wolf in office as a “last line of defense” against pro-life legislation.

Wolf vetoed a bill that would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks, and he promised to continue to block pro-life legislation if re-elected, PennLive reports.
“This issue is the woman’s right to choose. It’s about the choices that the person most directly involved makes,” he told the newspaper. “If this new court has swung to the right more so now with the Kavanaugh confirmation, if they threaten Roe v. Wade then here in Pa. I will continue to stand as I have done, stand as backstop for any legislation that seeks to interfere with the right of the woman to make whatever choice she feels is appropriate.”
Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the U.S., is spending a record $2.5 million to support him, NPR Pittsburgh reported in September.

Wolf’s campaign spokeswoman said he also will continue to support Planned Parenthood and the tax dollars it receives every year from Pennsylvanians.

The governor used to volunteer at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, and has maintained a close relationship with the abortion chain throughout his time in office. He has made frequent visits to Planned Parenthood facilities, and, early in his administration, appointed one of its board members as his chief of staff.

In contrast, Wagner is a pro-life Republican who voted in favor of the bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks and co-sponsored another bill to prohibit discriminatory abortions of unborn babies with Down syndrome.

Here’s more from the report:

During Wagner’s visit with PennLive/The Patriot-News’ editorial board last week, he was asked if he were elected and Roe v. Wade was overturned, whether he would sign a bill to make abortion illegal in all instances in Pennsylvania.
“When that is presented to me, I will make that decision,” he responded.
But his campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo signaled in comments made to Breitbart back in June that Wagner would most likely sign the bill. He said unlike Wolf, who is funded by the likes of Planned Parenthood, “Scott has a strong record standing up for the unborn in the Senate and will sign pro-life legislation as governor.”

Wagner also said he opposes taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.

He received the endorsements of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and the National Right to Life Committee PACs.
“Wagner has a solid 100 percent pro-life voting record in the [Pennsylvania] General Assembly,” said Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. “He supported the proposed ban on gruesome dismemberment abortions, backs the current Down Syndrome Protection Act, and fought to ensure that abortion centers follow basic health and safety standards.”
Website: Life News

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