
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Former Planned Parenthood Manager Says Evangelical Church Saved Her Life

“They are all about the Gospel and loving people,” Thayer said, adding that they loved her as Jesus would. 

By Samuel Smith
Christian Post

A former Planned Parenthood clinic manager says that joining a small nondenominational evangelical church “saved her life” and helped equip her to leave the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Sue Thayer, a Christian mother of five, worked nearly 18 years as non-medical staff with Planned Parenthood of the Heartland in Iowa before she was fired for voicing her objection to the business' attempt to institute “webcam abortions” at her clinic.

Thayer began working at Planned Parenthood in 1991, thinking that she'd be “helping women,” she said in an interview with The Christian Post. The pay was great, and within a month of working there, she was sent to train at an abortion unit.
“I really wasn’t prepared for what I saw and experienced,” she said, adding that she's often asked why she didn’t quit her job then.
After seeing the horrors of surgical abortion, she decided it was best that she commit to working on Planned Parenthood’s family-planning programs.

Although Thayer’s Planned Parenthood facility in Storm Lake didn’t initially offer abortion (with the closest abortion facility being over two hours away), it was in 2007 that Planned Parenthood instituted telemedicine abortions at her facility and others throughout the state.

Also known as “webcam abortion,” the procedure involves a woman going into a Planned Parenthood clinic where no doctor is present and taking pills for a chemical abortion while a doctor watches via the internet. In the case of Thayer’s facility, they would do webcam procedures with doctors in places as far away as Des Moines, which is over 150 miles away.
“[N]onmedical staff like myself and my employees that I had hired would be doing transvaginal ultrasounds, which are an invasive procedure. We were going to be doing those after only a single day of training,” she explained.
 “I kept asking my boss if this was even legal. They were like, ‘Our I’s are dotted and our T’s are crossed, nothing will stop us.’ I would question the wisdom or the legality or the ethics of having a nonmedical person doing an invasive procedure. They just said, ‘If you are breathing, you can do it and if you can play a video game, it is a lot like running a joystick.’ I was really concerned about that.”
Thayer was vocal in her opposition and ended up getting fired.

Committing over 300,000 abortions per year nationwide, Thayer said that she knew Planned Parenthood was “notorious for doing horrible things” but was afraid to leave behind the well-paying job that she needed to provide for her family.

Having grown up at a large denominational church and attending that church for most of her life, Thayer received mixed messages of support and condemnation from different pastors at her congregation.
“[W]e had a pastor that was very comfortable with abortion and my job there. I had one of the pastors there say, ‘When you start doing abortions, can I come down and escort the women in?’ I thought, ‘Aren’t you supposed to be on the other side?’” Thayer recalled. “We also had a pastor there that was like, ‘You are in the wrong place and you got to get out of there.’ It flip-flopped but I finally knew in my heart that I had to get out of there.”
While still employed by the abortion giant, Thayer said she began listening to Christian radio more frequently and grow in her faith. After a while, she realized that her denominational church was the “wrong place” for her.
“Because of Christian radio and listening to that and just getting a handle on how much God loves me, it was just a natural step to leave there and I didn’t know where to go,” she explained. “I ended up at this other big church and that was not quite right either.”
Struggling with a divorce that she didn’t see coming, Thayer started attending a nondenominational megachurch where she tried desperately to fit in.
“They had big screens and more upbeat worship. I thought it was the perfect place.
I went there for a couple of years and they told me that I would never be a member,” Thayer recalled. “They were like, ‘You work at Planned Parenthood, you can’t be a member.’”

Thayer said she was devastated. She then turned to the small nondenominational Faith Bible Christian Outreach Center in Storm Lake, one of the same churches that protested outside her abortion clinic.
“They are all about the Gospel and loving people,” Thayer said, adding that they loved her as Jesus would. “They welcomed me and really saved my life. God used them and Christian radio to save my life.”

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