
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Stunning Photo of Baby Who Survived Abortion Captivates Internet

By Katie Franklin
Christian Post

Just before “Brianna’s” scheduled C-section, physician Brent Boles asked her if she’d allow a photo to be taken once the baby was born. He wouldn’t share any identifying information with the world, he said. Just the photo.

A photo to celebrate human life.

A photo to explain just why he provides the ever-growing Abortion Pill Reversal regimen to women looking to undo their chemical abortions.

Brianna happily agreed, and a little bit later, a gripping photo of a newborn baby, crying under the blaze of operating room lights, was captured.

Since posting the image to his personal Facebook page last week, Boles says it has garnered over 8,000 reactions and over 5,000 shares.

Along with the photo he posted, Boles wrote:

“Recently I did this delivery, and am sharing the picture with the patient’s permission. You see, when a woman takes the abortion pill, she often immediately regrets it. This patient did exactly that. The abortion providers will lie and tell people that there is no way to reverse it. That is not true. This patient found and I am on the panel of prolife providers who are willing to try to reverse the poison they were given. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but as you can see—it is worth the effort.”
Tweet This: After taking the 1st abortion pill, “Brianna" immediately regretted it. That's when she found Abortion Pill Reversal & saved her baby's life

Otherwise known as the “abortion pill” or RU-486, chemical abortions involve a two-pill regimen.

Mifepristone, the first pill—which Brianna took at a local Planned Parenthood—destabilizes a pregnancy by blocking progesterone receptors and reducing progesterone levels in the mother's blood. The second pill, typically misoprostol, induces labor, forcing her body to expel the baby.

The Abortion Pill Reversal protocol, which saved Brianna’s child, works by reintroducing progesterone to the mother’s body up to 72 hours after the first pill is taken. The progesterone counteracts the mifepristone, restoring a woman’s natural ability to carry her baby.

Brianna, who immediately regretted taking the abortion pill, found Abortion Pill Reversal online, contacted the network’s 24-7 helpline (1-877-558-0333), and spoke with Boles the same day. 

She was even able to get a prescription for progesterone and begin the treatment immediately.

Heartbeat International, which manages the protocol’s 24-7 helpline and network of more than 500 medical providers like Boles, recently shared that Abortion Pill Reversal has led to the births of more than 500 babies, with another 100 on the way.

Physician George Delgado, founder of Abortion Pill Rescue (formerly known as the Abortion Pill Reversal Network), released a study earlier this year, showing that up to 68 percent of women who used the Abortion Pill Reversal treatment were able to give birth to a perfectly healthy baby.

Tweet This: Do you regret taking the abortion pill? Abortion Pill Reversal is safe and effective! Call 1-877-558-0333 #APRsaveslives @APReversal

Boles, who monitored Brianna and her baby throughout the rest of her pregnancy, says she never experienced any complications, and that both she and the baby are doing very well.

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