
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Franklin Graham Slams Religious Leaders Blessing an Abortion Clinic: “That’s Like Blessing Auschwitz”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Evangelical Christian leader Franklin Graham boldly condemned pastors this week who are leading a “blessing” of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Ohio.

Graham compared the religious service to pastors standing outside a Nazi concentration camp and “blessing the murder of innocent Jews,” CNS News reports.

The sacrilegious “blessing” will take place Nov. 9 at the Planned Parenthood in Columbus, Ohio where unborn babies are legally killed in abortions. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is organizing it.

Graham, the son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, responded to news of the event in a Facebook post Oct. 29.
“Shame on these so-called faith leaders who are ‘blessing’ an abortion clinic. Can you believe that? In reality, they are ‘blessing’ murder,” he wrote. “They are blessing actions that are against the laws of God.”
“That would be like priests standing outside the gas chambers at Auschwitz and blessing the murder of innocent Jews. Such evil,” Graham continued.
Planned Parenthood’s annual reports indicate it is the largest abortion provider in the United States. Every year, about 320,000 unborn babies are aborted at Planned Parenthood facilities.

Graham said religious leaders who support its destructive abortion practices are the false teachers who the Apostle Paul preached about in the Bible.
“Many times the Apostle Paul spoke out against false teachers who uttered lies,” he wrote. “And leading people to believe that murdering babies is something God would condone is an outright lie and could ultimately lead them to Hell.
“The Word of God says, ‘Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…’ (Isaiah 5:20),” Graham wrote.
The pro-abortion “blessing” service appears to be a response to the closing ceremony of the 40 Days for Life campaign. The event is called “Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision.”

An event description reads:

During this clinic blessing, participants will gather with local faith leaders and guests to ask for God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical facility, the abortion providers and staff, and all those who pass through the center.

In celebration of conscience and moral decision making, this event will include interfaith blessings, prayers, and testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care. This clinic blessing will create space for progressive voices of faith to speak boldly in support of comprehensive reproductive health care, especially abortion.

This is not the first time religious leaders will have blessed an abortion clinic. It is a practice that has occurred with more regularity in recent years.

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