
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Thrown From a Cliff, Newborn Baby Girl Survives Fall and 12 Hours of Exposure

Father says he was disappointed that his fourth child turned out to be a daughter

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

According to Gaozhou Television in South China, soon after police were alerted that a newborn girl had gone missing from Magui Health Centre hospital, “officers began to suspect the girl’s father, surnamed Li.”

But that proved to be only the half of it. Li has been “detained for throwing his newborn girl off a cliff,” according to Kelsey Cheng, writing for the Daily Mail .

He took the baby, who had only been born for about six hours, from a hospital in Gaozhou, Guangdong, province last Friday and placed her in a nylon bag before flinging her into the woods, Chinese media reported.

However, the girl miraculously survived for 12 hours after landing on some tree branches and was saved by rescuers.

“Miraculously” is putting it mildly. First they had to know who had abducted the baby and what he/she had done with her and why.

Once the father finally admitted that he had thrown her off a cliff in a rural area, 
“Officers immediately led a team of rescuers and volunteers down the steep cliff to search for the baby girl,” Cheng wrote. “Suddenly, the team heard the faint cries of the baby and were able to locate her about 30 metres (100 feet) down from the edge of the cliff, much to the relief of the rescuers.”
Why do something so hideous, so awful? According to Cheng, Li told officers he was disappointed that his fourth child turned out to be a daughter, having had two girls and a boy. The father said the family was poor and he felt under a lot of financial pressure.

Li has been detained amid ongoing police investigations.

The baby, now in good health, is under her mother’s care, Gaozhou Television reported.

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