
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Here’s Why Christians Shouldn’t Vote for Pro-Abortion Democrats This Election

Voters who care about babies in the womb must consider how radically pro-abortion the Democrat Party has become.

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Throughout the years, pro-life advocates and Christians have offered a number of reasons why they vote for pro-abortion Democrats who do not share their beliefs about unborn babies’ rights.

Many argue for voting Democrat because they truly believe government programs help reduce abortions more than pro-life laws and lawmakers do. They argue that Democrats do more to support the most vulnerable born people as well.

But with abortion killing nearly 1 million babies a year and a Democrat Party growing increasingly pro-abortion, it has become more difficult to believe these arguments and vote Democrat. Many Democrats themselves have left the party over its radical pro-abortion stance.

It’s becoming glaringly obvious that the Democratic Party does not want fewer abortions. Maybe some of its policies do save lives, but the party also is working to end lives by supporting abortions, taxpayer-funded abortions and campaigns to “normalize” killing human babies in society.

Sure, pro-lifers will hear Democrats – and even Planned Parenthood – spout about how their programs and policies reduce abortions. But has anyone heard them say that they want to reduce abortions?

Their actions indicate that they don’t. And sometimes their words do, too – when they’re not pandering for votes.

Ilyse Hogue, president of the pro-abortion group NARAL, came right out and admitted it in an interview with the Chicago Tribune in 2017. The new Democratic Party platform “didn’t just seek to protect abortion access — it sought to expand it,” she told the newspaper.

Consider also these examples:

First, the Democrat Party says pro-lifers are not welcome. Of course, pro-lifers’ votes are, but their support of the unborn is not.

Earlier this year, the Missouri Democrat Party removed platform language that did nothing more than welcome “a diversity of views on abortion.” Their message was clear: Supporting abortion is paramount.

Then there is U.S. Congressman Dan Lipinski, one of the last pro-life Democrats in Washington. He is the kind of politician who pro-life Democrats say they want – one who supports rights and social programs for the underprivileged, the disadvantaged and the unborn. But not his party. In an unprecedented move, the DNC refused to support him in his spring primary, and many prominent Democrat leaders endorsed his radical pro-abortion opponent instead.

In 2017, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez even called the killing of unborn babies a “fundamental value” of his party and said “every Democrat” should support it. In other words, pro-lifers are not welcome. 

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