
Monday, December 3, 2018

I Had an Abortion Almost 30 Years Ago. I Regret It to This Day

Every choice we make in life comes with consequences...
Choose the life of your child. I wish I had.


By Luci Bast
Life Site News

It happened on May 12, 1989. Canada had just struck down the previous year the existing abortion law from 1969 that offered a few protections to preborn babies, although I didn’t know that at the time. As the “Morgentaler Decision” came into effect, I was in a rehab centre to overcome an addiction to prescription painkillers that developed years before as a result of a tumultuous home life and chronic pain from a serious childhood injury. Rehab was difficult, having to come face to face with my inner demons, but thanks to a caring therapist who eventually broke down my walls, the treatment was successful.

Out of rehab and back in reality, I obtained employment in my career field and regularly attended meetings to maintain my sobriety. Unfortunately, no one informed me about the vipers that lurk in the world of recovery – the infamous “13-Steppers”. These people aren’t interested in recovery, but prey on the vulnerable for sex or money. 

The advice given in rehab of not dating during the first year of recovery is a very valid one. Your brain is still toxic, former coping mechanisms have not yet been replaced with healthy alternatives and this combination creates chaotic emotions until adaptation into your new life has been achieved. Being in this state makes one an easy target for these 13-Steppers.

I was hurting, scared, and lonely and fell for his come-ons. I just wanted to be wanted instead of feeling like a failure all the time.

Luci Bast around 1985.
The relationship was very brief, perhaps a week or two, as he had no intention of managing his addiction and I was committed to mine. About a month after it ended, I started having strange symptoms – abdominal pain, ugly discharges and intense fatigue. Not having a family doctor at the time, I went to the local clinic for an examination. I worried that I caught an STD.

The doctor called me a couple of days later with the results of my examination and tests. I had a virulent case of chlamydia, not received from the 13-Stepper, but by a cheating ex-boyfriend of six months previous.

The doctor also had other news for me – I was pregnant.

Stunned, I didn’t know what to say or do. He recommended that I see a specialist immediately to decide on the best course of action to take since the situation was complicated. If I took the intense round of medication necessary to treat the advanced STD, I was told it would kill the child. Alternately, forgoing the treatment for the infection would very conceivably destroy any chances of having another child in the future and would probably kill my unborn baby eventually anyway.

It seemed impossible to make a choice.

I went to another, well-established doctor for advice. She adamantly recommended an abortion and taking the round of medication to preserve my future fertility. To get a clearer picture of what we were dealing with, she sent me for an emergency ultrasound as I was already six weeks along.

During the ultrasound, the technician and I got into an argument regarding the gestation period. Since I only had sex twice within a two-day span during the last six months, I was confident that I was six weeks pregnant. The technician insisted I was only three or four weeks along. I told her I could tell her exact dates and it was six weeks ago. After I explained about the STD, she conceded that there may be something wrong since the fetus development was not consistent with my date of conception.

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available. 

 Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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