
Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Call to Courage and Commitment - Montgomery County, Pa. Stand Up for Life Rally

Stand Up for Life Rally
Sunday, January 28, 2019
2:00 - 3:00 pm 
Epiphany of Our Lord Church
3050 Walton Road
Plymouth Meeting, Pa 19462 (map)
Reception to follow in the church narthex


This Rally observes the 46th anniversary of the infamous January 22, 1973 Roe v Wade decision. Since then, the abortion industry in the U.S., including Montgomery County, has killed approximately 60 million children, and injured their mothers.

How to Build a Pro-Life Future

The many efforts of the pro-life movement in our area and throughout Pennsylvania have resisted the Culture of Death and have succeeded in reducing abortions by 55% since 1980. 

Please attend this Rally, learn how to assist these effortrs, and hear messages from young adults who are providing leadership to ensure that this success continues.

Our presenters include:

  • Reverend Brian Kean, Principal, St. John Paul II High School
  • Teresa Creciun, Volunteer at  A Baby's Breath and Director of Sacred Heart Parish Respect Life Commitee
  • Joe Dembik, Generation Life Educator and Activist

This Rally is sponsored by the Montgomery County Pro-Life Coalition and Epiphany of Our Lord Respect Life Committee, along with many other Catholic and Protestant Churches in Montgomery County.

For more information contact the Montgomery County Pro-Life Coaliton at 215-393-3610. 

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link.  Follow us on FacebookGooglePinterest, and on MeWe.  Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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