
Friday, January 18, 2019

Thank You to All Who Participated in Today's Prayer Rally at Planned Parenthood in Warminster, Pa.

Over 70 people were present for today's Prayer Rally outside the Planned Parenthood in Warminster, Pennsylvania. This rally was planned in solidarity with the March for Life in Washington, DC.

The Rally began with an opening prayer and message from Pastor Chuck Wilson of the New Hope Community Church and Monsignor Joseph Gentili, Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Buckingham, Pennsylvania gave the closing prayer.

Those present came from all walks of life and from all age groups from young babies to the very old.


One woman who had planned to go to Washington for the March for Life was unable to make the trip due to her disability, and traveled from St. John Newman parish in North Philly to be part of this event. Another young man from the Norristown area also came to pray and give witness.

Several people shared their personal stories and reasons for being present. One young mother whose baby daughter has Down Syndrome gave a very powerful testimony.

Many children and young adults were present and I was told that one of the schools in the area had closed so the students could go to the March for Life or other pro-life events taking place today.

Thank you to all who came out, despite the inclement weather, to be part of this very solemn and sad day. A special thanks to Terry Noble for putting together the program and organizing today's event.

Below are some additional pictures of today's pro-life rally.



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