
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Can't make the March for Life? Here's what you can do instead near the Supreme Court Anniversary at home, in your state, and nationwide now and everyday

For many of us, we have the opportunity to attend either the March for Life in our nation's capital, Walk for Life in San Francisco, or One Life LA. For the rest we might probably have prior conflicts that kept us from going, the potential winter storm, or the scare of the longest Government Shutdown in American History. Some who cannot attend the March for Life are wondering what they can do.

Here are some practical steps you can do not just for the Roe v Wade Anniversary but every day to spread the pro-life message. Keep in mind being pro-life is not an every January thing. Rather, it is a lifelong commitment (pun intended). I offer six tips to help you in your endeavor to defend life.

1. Pray

It is easier said than done, but can you pray for an end to abortion at this moment? Offer a rosary, holy hour, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the end of this heinous holocaust of our time. St. Teresa once said that a weekly holy hour done by every Catholic can end abortion in America and the whole world. also find out the schedules for a prayer vigil near you. "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Also mark your calendars for the spring 2019 campaign, which begins March 6th and runs until April 14th (Palm Sunday).

2. Locate your local or state March for Life

Granted we may not have the money or flexibility to go to the big scale marches. However, many states and major cities are hosting a local rally near you. Be sure to check with your coalition's pages or email updates for details. If there is none planned, organize one.

3. Volunteer

Contact a local pregnancy center and find out how you can help. Many will be in the need of clothes, baby food, and other maternity items. Bear in mind that they can also use people who know basic skills like cooking, baking, house maintenance, sowing, or even basic first aid. If you're a member of the Knights of Columbus, consider having a fundraiser and let the proceeds go towards their life saving mission.

4. Educate

The Catholics Church has a spiritual work of mercy called " Instruct the Ignorant". Now don't take it out of context. There are people outdoor who know very little, yet they think they think are well versed about abortion. Our job is to approach each person when we give witness to life with love and mercy. It can be a challenge, but in the end, love and mercy will unleash life and love. With that said, go into the lion's den and become counter cultural. Articulate the meaning of life to co-workers, friends, family, even total strangers. Tip: Avoid social media debates. Get out in the fresh air and debate

5. Donate

It is tax season. Keep the pro-life ministries in mind between your income taxes and utility bills. Yes, the abortion lobbies has millions, but what we have is love, prayer, and many fruits of the Holy Spirit that can end this dark chapter in American history. There are things that money can't buy. Your financial support can go a long way.

6. Recruit

It is easy to stare at a screen and promote the pro-life message. What the pro-lifers need to keep doing is recruit new people to join the cause. I say this especially to the young people. Get out of your comfort zones, lace up your boots, pick your spiritual weapons, and recruit your peers in your community, school, or college campus today. Your public witness can never be overlooked. You are the now in the pro-life movement. You are the best hope, whether Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, agnostic, atheist, or even protestant. Each of you have a place in the pro-life movement and it speaks volume. Do not be afraid to set an example to fellow peers with your example. Be an inspiration to those who have no one to look up to. Show love and mercy to every person you encounter. Make noise in the public square about the Gospel of Life, love, and mercy. If those who support abortion go high, go low. they hit you, curse, flip the bird, spit at you, offer the other cheek. The millennials are called to be martyrs. What you do now makes the difference now and into the next century. Start defending life today.

An added bonus: Be Consistent

I mention this because pro-lifers seem to dismiss other life issues. In order to be pro-life, we must defend it from womb to tomb. That means reaching out to someone who has suicidal thoughts, an elderly person who thinks assisted suicide is the only way, the refugee and immigrant entering the United States, the homeless who is trying to escape the bitter cold weather, victims of war, and most importantly someone on death row falsely accused. It's all of nothing at all. Every life has dignity.

Let us take these steps today to defeat the culture of death and build a culture of life today. It starts in your community.

Your elected officials are 99% likely not going to do it, but you can. So what are you waiting for? Defend life.

1 comment:

  1. Always praying for the lives of the unborn and their moms and dads. I pray for all who are so blinded by the veil of ignorance that they have no compassion for a little child in the womb.
