
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

#SEEK2019 Experience With Pro-Life Stalwarts

From January 3-7, Catholic college students, young adults, and parish leaders gathered in Indianapolis for talks, fellowship, and prayer.

I was a part of that group who had one of the most amazing times. During the conference, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with some of the biggest evangelists in the pro-life movement, whether its apologetics, sports, or public policy.

Matt Birk became a headliner in 2013 when he refused to meet with President Barack Obama following the Baltimore Ravens Super Bowl Victory over the San Francisco 49ers. His reason was simply put: "I will not meet with someone who is okay with killing the innocent unborn."

Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois was one of the speakers I had a chance to meet at the vent. He shared how he was almost defeated in a heated midterm primary last year, yet he managed to win and secure a general election win. Acknowledging the fact we live in a polarize political spectrum, Lipinski encourages us to show people the Catholic way by making our faith a priority in our political decisions by standing up for religious freedom and all life. At the end of the day, it's about what God wants you to do. Every person, no matter unborn, immigrant, death row mate, refugee of war torn country, has dignity.

Another big name in the pro life movement that was present is David Bereit, founder of 40 Days for Life. Bereit, along with his family, were present to discuss how to live out Humanae Vitae in our every day life.

Stephanie Gray was present at the conference. She gave more than 800 presentations worldwide. In 2017 she gave a pro-life presentation at Google headquarters and now is founder of Love Unleashes Life. Using a lyric from Hillsong's "Hosanna", Gray discusses that those who support abortion must be approached with mercy and divine inspiration. The first step is prayer. Ask questions to open their minds.

Straight from Catholic Answers is Trent Horn. One of his acclaimed books is Persuasive Pro- Life. He uses firsthand accounts from his personal experience with dialoging on how we can be persuasive in our pro-life efforts in our community or college campus. To order your copy, visit here:

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