
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


From  Shawn Carney, Campaign Director

40 Days for Life

The next 40 Days for Life campaign starts today in 306 locations ... with more than 20 brand-new cities on board for the first time:
Six years ago, when 40 Days for Life was first launched as a coordinated effort, our national director David Bereit and I were hoping 20 cities would take part. But God moved people in 89 cities to join that campaign.
Over the past six years YOUR faith in God has spread this humble effort to an overall total of 501 cities ...
... from 1,000 volunteers in Texas to 575,000 worldwide ...
... from a few churches to 16,000 ...
... and from one country to 19 around the globe.
You'll be getting messages from me each of the 40 days ... September 25 - November 3 ... with a quick campaign update and a daily devotional.
A prayerful foundation is the key for bringing a "what would Jesus do" attitude to the vigil. This is the attitude that has helped mothers choose life for their babies -- and helped clinic employees change their hearts and leave the abortion business.

This is my personal invitation for you to get involved.  Here's the link to all 306 locations -- please find the one nearest you and learn how you can help:

Today's devotional was prepared by Carmen Pate of Faith in Action Ministries.

Pre-kickoff intention
For God's blessing upon all participating in the coming 40 Days for Life campaign.
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land."
-- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Not unlike God's chosen people of Israel, we must humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, if we expect God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. The need for repentance has not been greater since the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade in 1973.
The number one cause of death in America is the needless sacrifice of our children at the altar of convenience called abortion. Conservative estimates put the number of deaths at nearly 52 million.
And lest we think this is an issue outside the church walls, 43 percent of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 27 percent identify themselves as Catholic. One in four women has at least one abortion by the age of 45 -- both non-Christian and Christian alike. Where was the voice of Truth -- the church?
Mary Comm of In Our Midst Ministries, Inc. sums up the issue best as she writes, "We (the church) have been an unintentional accomplice to the millions of lives lost and to the multiplied millions of lives devastated by abortion. We didn't want them to abort. We didn't mean for them to abort. But, because of our lack of knowledge, because of our fear, we have
continued to stand by and do nothing. We, God's hands and feet in this dark and hurting world, have been unintentional, unknowledgeable accomplice, but an accomplice nonetheless."
May today mark the beginning of change within the church, as God's people, in unity, seek His forgiveness.
Heavenly Father, we have turned our backs on you and your principles in your Word. We have allowed man to usurp Your role as God over life and the number of our days. But we come to you in brokenness and repentance over our sin.
We cry out for Your mercy and ask you to remove the scourge of abortion from our land.
Use us as your vessels, Lord, to bring the light of Your Truth to our nation once again. Because of Christ we pray, Amen.
Printable devotional
To download today's devotional as a formatted, printable PDF to share with friends: 


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