
Wednesday, February 19, 2014


by Paul Rondeau

  Tease: A wholesome organization selling iconic cookies or an organization that (mis)leads girls down the path to immorality?

Over the past weeks, many national pro-life organizations called for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies, claiming that the Girl Scouts USA promotes a pro-abortion ideology.  GSUSA emphatically denies it and especially any connections to Planned Parenthood.

However, as early as 2004, then-Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger confirmed in a Today Show interview that Girl Scouts works with Planned Parenthood nationally. “We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls,” said Cloninger.

Cloninger reconfirmed as much in an interview at Harvard in 2007: “And I feel like we cannot be the nation’s expert on girl issues without dealing with how issues of sexuality affect the girls of this nation. We believe parents are part of the discussion, but girl scouting needs to be part of education and discussion as well.” of Texas says it was asked to check the accuracy of the claim that GSUSA promotes “pro-abortion women as icons for our children to emulate.” It concluded that Girl Scouts does not simply because the Girls Scout guide does not specify “any woman’s activism per abortion as a reason for singling her out.”

That logic is nonsense.  Holding up women as role models while hiding their history as abortion leaders only makes the selections dishonest, not unbiased.

American Life League—the nation’s oldest Catholic pro-life group—and other pro-life organizations did not get it wrong. Unfortunately, the bigger story may actually be worse.

ALL double-checked its own facts and found that, of the 11 women discussed with the PolitiFact writer, 80-89 percent are not just pro-abortion, but celebrated pro-abortion leaders.

GSUSA selections include Betty Friedan, the founder of NARAL Prochoice; Pauli Murray, a founding member of the radically pro-abortion NOW; Rosa Parks, a past member of Planned Parenthood’s Board of Advocates, and two women (Hillary Clinton and Dolores Huerta) who won the Margaret Sanger Award “for leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement.”

contnue reading at

1 comment:

  1. From Tricia DiMeo Bradberry:

    Good for you LifeNews! And we former GS parents won't stop sharing the truth about the GS either and there are whole lot of us. I don’t want my daughter’s name linked to an organization that advocates for abortion. And that is exactly what the GS Organization did to my daughter and millions of other innocent girls. ALL girl scouts belong to WAGGGS. Each girl scout membership triggers a payment to WAGGGS. When a girl registers, they are counted in the over 10 million WAGGGS girls claimed
    People need to know and decide whether they want their child's name linked to an organization that advocates for abortion. WAGGGS globally advocates for sexually and reproductive rights in the name of these girls. Your council will tell you that all proceeds stay local. What they leave out is that every box of cookies produced has a licensing fee attached which is paid to GSUSA. The total licensing fee amount that GSUSA is paid, EVERY YEAR, is millions of dollars. GS is masterful at answering questions in a seemingly plausible way (like GSUSA does not and never has partnered with PP -- correct, they just leave out that the international scouting org that GS is the largest member of, WAGGGS, works with IPPF, and local councils are permitted by GSUSA to partner with PP) because so many of their answers are intentionally deceitful. There is this great new website called

    for statements which contain specific, documented, and current examples of these pro-life concerns at the local, national and international levels. You can contact the website for your council if it is not yet posted.
