
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Only A Leftist Blog Could Come Up With This!

 From Carol Tobias,
National Right to Life President

If they gave the equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize for ridiculous headlines, the doozy from today’s left-leaning Daily Beast would walk away with the award: 

How Wendy Davis Became America’s Conscience on Abortion”
I don’t know about you, but I had to read that twice.

Wendy Davis, you’ll recall, stood up – literally for 13 hours – to filibuster against a bill in the Texas state Senate that would have protected the lives of little human beings who were developed enough in their mothers’ wombs that they could feel pain.

Little babies like this: 

When I think of someone with a “conscience” in relation to this little baby, what comes to mind are the wonderful doctors and nurses who care for such babies; the moms and dads who love them; the policy makers who speak up in defense of these voiceless members of our human family.    

Wendy Davis doesn’t come to mind.

But apparently there are voices in the blog and activist communities who believe Wendy Davis is deserving of praise by virtue of the fact that she stood up for, of all things, late abortions.

Case in point:  On Saturday, Sen. Davis will receive the “Señora Internacional” award in Laredo, Texas.  Activists clearly are using the award to help Davis in her run for governor, even though her policies would result in the killing by dismemberment of tiny, vulnerable members of the Hispanic community – the very group the award references.

Excuse me, but I want to see a Señora Internacional award given to a nurse or doctor who helps treat and save the lives of babies in the womb; or to mothers themselves, who sacrifice so much out of love for their children; or to a volunteer counselor who gives of her time so that women with unexpected pregnancies can get all the information they deserve about alternatives to abortion.

Those are the people whose consciences should be honored, respected, and heralded in headlines. 

Wendy Davis did one thing:  She “stood” for the right to kill the most vulnerable human beings imaginable – little babies in the womb, babies old enough to feel pain.  I can’t find that connected with the word “conscience” in any dictionary I know.

 National Right to Life created and helped pass in 10 states the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the law that protects unborn babies from abortion at the stage they can feel pain.  Medical evidence indicates this is at least by 20 weeks in the womb.  Now NRLC is trying to pass the bill nationally, so babies everywhere are protected no matter where they live.  Please click below to contribute generously to the National Right to Life Committee to help us pass this humane protection in more states and in Congress.  Thank you!

Use this link to help National Right to Life pass a national Pain-Cabable Unborn Child Protection Act

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