
Monday, April 28, 2014

Bizarre Abortion Mill/Birthing Center Hybrid Tests the Waters in New York

By Lauren Enriquez

for Live Action News

Buffalo, New York is now home to one of the most bizarre abortion clinic undertakings in America. At Buffalo Women’s Services, abortions and births take place in the same facility. Whether or not a baby is “wanted” is the only criterion that determines what procedure — birth or killing — its mother will request. Life and death coexist here in stark contrast: the first gasping screams of a newborn can be heard in one room, while at the same time a pre-born child may be struggling to free itself of the calipers that are about to rip her limb from limb in another.
The combined birthing/killing center is the brainchild of Katharine Morrison, the abortionist who has owned Buffalo Women’s Services since 2004. Morrison describes the abortion landscape in Buffalo as “oppressive.” A generation ago, women could abort their children at any number of facilities in upstate New York, including hospitals. Today, legislation representing the pro-life views of the residents of New York has changed that. Morrison told Cosmopolitan magazine:
Fast-forward to today and you cannot have an abortion in any hospital in Buffalo, N.Y. We’re hanging on by our fingernails.
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Lauren Enriquez has worked for great organizations such as Texas Right to Life and Students for Life of America. She is a graduate of Ave Maria University, where she studied Classics and Theology. Her husband and children are the greatest blessings in her life. 

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