
Monday, January 11, 2016

"The Pregnancy Center was a Safe Place....

.....a place to support me when I was terrified and felt alone"

by April Horton
Pregnancy Help News

I always thought abortion was one of those cut-and-dry topics. You were either for it or against it.

I was against it until I was sitting in my living room on a Friday afternoon, researching options for the unplanned pregnancy situation I had found myself facing. After a motor vehicle accident in 2012 that left me paralyzed from the lower ribs down, I was told I probably couldn't have any more children.

Being a single mom of a spunky toddler already and in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, another baby seemed like the scariest thing in the world. I knew the facts about abortion and I knew the effect it can have on women's lives, but I was looking for something that told me it was okay.

I had just started working at the pregnancy center in my town as work-study through the college I attended. Imagine being a single mom already and working at a place that teaches abstinence—and there I was single and pregnant.

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