Sunday, October 1, 2017

Pennsylvania Legislative Alert: Harrisburg Senate Bill 3

from Pro-Life Union of Delaware County 
October Newsletter

Last year, due to the magnificent work of House Pro-Life Caucus Leader Kathy Rapp, the Pennsylvania State House passed a ban on late term Dismemberment Abortions by a margin of 132 to 65. However, the State Senate failed to act, and so the process must begin anew. 

In January, Senator Michele Brooks introduced Senate Bill 3 (SB 3) which is very similar to last year’s HB 1948. This time, the Senate quickly passed it – by a margin of 32-18, and sent it back to the House. If the House passes SB 3, the bill would go to Governor Tom Wolf for his signature to become Law. 

But Governor Wolf is a rabid pro-abortion extremist, who volunteers as an abortion escort at Planned Parenthood, and he has vowed to veto it as soon as it gets to his desk. The House margin will be veto proof, and the Senate is only two votes short of the margin needed to override a veto. (There are four potential swing votes in the Senate, and if two support the override, the bill would become law over Wolf’s veto.) 

So, please pray for those who are working to make this bill a reality, and for each member of the legislature – that they see the dignity of each child whose life hangs in the balance from their vote. 

Please contact House Majority Leader Dave Reed, and ask him to move SB 3. 717-705-7173

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