Monday, October 2, 2017

Please Join Us on October 14th in West Chester, Pennsylvania for the Fatima 100 Conference

Malvern, PA
 Discover heaven’s blueprint for restoring family and a culture of life during an upcoming event entitled the Fatima 100 Conference on Saturday, October 14 at St. Maximillian Kolbe parish in West Chester, PA. (map and directions)

One hundred years ago the Mother of God appeared in a tiny village in Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children with a message for mankind. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Fatima and the anniversary of the Knights of the Immaculate, a unique conference has been designed by the Knights of the Immaculate and the Pro-Life Educational Foundation featuring three internationally known evangelists including Dr. Ralph Martin, Dr. Paul Kengor and Christopher West.

   Dr. Ralph Martin is the founder and president of Renewal Ministries. As a world-renowned evangelist and author, he will address Our Lady’s most prophetic statement at Fatima –the error that would spread throughout the world and its meaning for our generation.

Christopher West is a renowned author and co-founder of Theology of the Body. He will offer the most compelling lens to see and heal the world’s challenges offering the message of Fatima as the key to reclaiming the culture of life.

Dr. Paul Kengor is considered the world’s most authoritative biographer of Ronald Reagan. His recent book, A Pope and a President are widely acclaimed. The Grove City college professor, Kengor will share the back story of how a Pope and a President forged a Fatima connection that brought down the Soviet Union.

At this time in history, why is the Fatima message relevant? Does it have significance to you and your family? What is the Blessed Mother asking us at this moment? According to Brian Gail, one of the conference organizers, “In a very real sense, St. Maximilian Kolbe’s founding of the Knights of the Immaculate within 72 hours of the last apparition of Fatima on October 13, 1917 was the first Fatima apostolate. This conference will honor both events.”

St. Pope John Paul II in traveling to Fatima declared the message “more urgent than ever before.” Michael McMonagle, President of the Pro-Life Educational Foundation shared, “During her appearance at Fatima Our Blessed Mother warned that “…the errors of Russia will spread…” The most terrible manifestation of these errors has proven to be the vast culture of death that claimed the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings during the past 100 years. 

Our Lady’s other Fatima messages have identified how her Son’s Church can not only resist, but overcome this culture of death. This conference serves to deepen and spread the implementation of her Fatima message.”

The event will begin with Mass at 8 AM and conclude at 3:00 PM with a special consecration to the Blessed Mother for all who attend. A continental breakfast and boxed lunch are included in the registration fee.

 All families are welcome to attend by registering at

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