Sunday, March 4, 2018

Washington State to 'Monetize Wombs,' Legalize 'Baby Selling,' Redefine 'Parent'

'This Womb for Rent'

By Brandon Showalter
Christian Post

Washington state is set to legalize commercial surrogacy, a move children's rights advocates say amounts to the selling of babies, bases the definition of a parent on "intent," and opens avenues for child abuse and other horrors.

Just before 1 a.m. Wednesday morning, the Washington state House of Representatives passed the "Uniform Parentage Act," along party lines with every Democrat in favor and every Republican opposed. The bill had previously passed the state Senate with total Democratic support and three Republicans. The state's Democratic governor, Jay Inslee, is expected to sign the legislation.

"For House Republicans, this bill was a matter of conscience,'' said Liz Pike, who represents the state's 18th house district, according to Clark County Today.
"We all voted 'no' to protect the womb from being monetized and commercialized. This bill sets virtually no limits on the amount people will be able to sell or purchase a human baby for. I'm disgusted that such a bill would ever be considered let alone pass. What have we become as a state, selling human babies to the highest bidder? Is this who we are? 

Katy Faust of Them Before US
Photo: Courtesy of Katy Faust
Katy Faust, who leads children's rights organization Them Before Us and testified against the legislation during the hearings, regards the likely soon-to-be law as disastrous.

"When I say that we have established a global marketplace for children, I am not exaggerating. That is exactly what this is," Faust told The Christian Post Thursday afternoon.

"Once you legalize something and commercialize something, you're going to get more of it," she said, noting that the Washington legislation contains no restrictions and more economically disadvantaged and vulnerable women who think this is just another way to make money will be exploited.

As the bill stands, Faust explained, no limits are placed on how many children can be procured through surrogacy arrangements, no requirements exist saying that people intending to pay for surrogacy services must be residents of Washington state or American citizens, or even that the women must be inseminated in Washington. 

All it takes is one consultation that occurs on Washington soil and a contract can be legally enforced even if the individuals using the surrogate mother hail from nations where surrogacy is prohibited.

Motions to amend the bill requiring all "intended parents" to be subject to the same screening procedures as adoptive parents and the creation of a state-run database to track those intended parents and limit the number of births were voted down.

"In its current form, as it passed out of the House, the bill even permits convicted felons to purchase human babies,'' Pike explained.
Christian Post article continues here

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