Monday, October 1, 2018

Join the new Pennsylvania Family Institute Initiative: Honoring God 2018

from the Pennsylvania Family Institute

"No one saw this coming," comments theologian Al Mohler about the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. "No one saw the devolution of our entire political process into what can only be described as a carnival with the exception that that's really an insult to most carnivals...We are looking at a tension point virtually without precedent."

How are we to respond? First and foremost, as Ryan T. Anderson (Heritage Foundation) simply puts it, "follow the advice of a 10-year-old and say some prayers for both Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh."

This unprecedented amount of tension is presenting us with an unprecedented opportunity.

We may not have seen coming what has transpired with the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation but we do know that the U.S. Senate is tasked with confirming a U.S. Supreme Court nominee. The U.S. Senate is comprised of two members from each state elected by their citizens. Each and every election present various positions for important offices or judicial seats that are determined by we, the people. Those in these positions impact the future direction of this nation and our freedoms.

Ultimately, we should all acknowledge that God gave us government for our good. Thus, we should treat our vote as a gift to use for His glory. 

That's why PA Family Institute is launching a new initiative called "Honoring God 2018" - recognizing the need for leaders like you to encourage your church and community to vote and become good stewards of their earthly citizenship by making a difference with their vote.

There are three parts to this initiative that we're encouraging every church in Pennsylvania to take part in:

1. Register to Vote (deadline is Tuesday, October 9th) - click here to register online

2. Make an informed vote (use our non-partisan, church-friendly Voter's Guide - pre-order now at

3. Vote (Understand what a church can do during election season and use resources like our bulletin insert and video)

This is not about being conservative versus liberal or Republican versus Democrat. This is about honoring God in every part of life - including government and our vote.

For more about Honoring God 2018, visit

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty. For more information about this organization, please use this link.

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