
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Take a stand for LIFE today

What if we worked as tirelessly to end abortion as we do to find a cure for heart disease and cancer?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

I'm Encouraged and Looking to the Future Ahead

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

As the pro-life message continues to spread, abortionists are finding themselves losing ground.

The so-called "National Abortion Rights Action League" (NARAL) former president Nancy Keenan admitted in an interview that the abortionists can't seem to get many young activists.

The contrast is distinctly evident on college campuses where large pro-life groups put to shame the much smaller so-called "pro-choice" groups.

But she stressed the fact that she was completely surprised by the number of young pro-life activists at the March for Life, standing in stark contrast with the lack of young people among her own organization's activists.I can say that what she saw was true, because I was there too.

I was encouraged and excited by the enthusiasm and dedication of young people in their desire to protect life in our fight to end abortion-on-demand.Thousands of young people came out at their own expense on a cold January morning to make a stand in defense of the unborn.


 The abortionists couldn't help but notice with envy how many of those marching were young people.

For any movement or organization to remain viable, there has to be continual growth.

It cannot remain stagnant.

Yet that is exactly where the abortionists are finding themselves.

The pro-life movement on the other hand, is experiencing rapid growth as young people everywhere have been joining forces with you and me demanding that the Sanctity of Life be protected.

As I observe the continued growth that this movement is experiencing, I cannot help but look forward to the future ahead with growing anticipation.

Your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding. If you can, please chip in with a contribution by clicking here.

Thankful That 20 Years Ago This Thanksgiving I Met My Birth-Mother

By Troy Newman
Operation Rescue

This is a story I do not share very often. I was placed for adoption by my loving birth-mother over 48 years ago.

I spent my youth wondering and praying for the woman who held me in her womb for 9 months. I vowed that if I ever met her I the first thing I would say would be, "Thank you for giving me life!"

Even at an early age I knew that 1/3 of my generation had been targeted for abortion. Even though I was born before Roe v. Wade, it was common knowledge that a "problem pregnancy" could be "taken care of" for a price.

Thankfully, that never happened to me. I was raised in a God-fearing Catholic home. Then on Thanksgiving Day 1994 my phone rang - it was my birth mother. I kept the promise I made to myself so many years prior. "Thank you for giving me life," I said to her. We both cried tears of joy as we talked for hours.

My mom and I now have a great relationship and I'm still very thankful for her. (Can you see how much we look alike?)

As you know Operation Rescue exists to make sure more babies have moms that will love them, and daddies that will hug them.

Saving babies is my passion. I know it is yours too, and for that I am very thankful for you and your partnership with Operation Rescue.

If you care to make a gift to our life-saving efforts, I would deeply appreciate it, and I will tell my birth mother of your generosity.

Give online here.


by Reverend Katherine Marple

As I reported in the previous post, ‘Breakdown of ACTUAL Black Deaths in Missouri Before and After Michael Brown’, abortion deaths of Black Missourians are staggering: NINE unborn Black Missourians die an abortion death every day. Thousands are aborted every day while Black Missourians make up almost 12% of the total population of Missouri. Math doesn’t lie…but the abortion agenda does.

Three tubs of aborted baby remains.
In Ohio, much is the same: 
* Total population of Ohio is 11.5 million
* Black Ohioans make up 12.5% of the total population
* 2013 total of 23,216 abortion in Ohio, 9844 were Black
* 42.4% of all abortions in Ohio were Black Ohioans.
The total amount of Ohio abortions in 2013 WENT DOWN while Black abortions went UP. That means Black Ohioans abort more often than even Black Missourians; about 33% in Missouri. In fact, in Ohio the Black abortion rate went UP nearly a full percentage point.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Myth That 1 in 3 Women Have Abortions Persists Despite Hard Evidence to the Contrary

by Lauren Enriquez
Live Action News

The latest in a pro-choice effort to normalize and de-stigmatize abortion among women is the 1 in 3 Campaign. It’s set up the same way as Not Alone; women share stories of why they’re happy they had abortions. The 1 in 3 Campaign‘s entire premise is that abortion is normal and good because 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime.

But, here’s the thing: that’s not true.

Some pretty basic math demonstrates that the real number – farfrom being the over 33% required to claim “1 in 3 women will have an abortion” – is under 28%.

Here’s the breakdown:

Lauren Enriquez is a graduate of Ave Maria University, where she studied Classics. She married her best friend during college, and now goes by "mommy." In the past she's worked for pro-life organizations including Texas Right to Life and Students for Life of America. Today Lauren is a work-at-home mom, serving as a communications consultant who helps pro-life organizations increase their media presence.

“Empty Manger” Caroling to Bring the Joy and Hope of Christmas to Abortuaries

by Matt Yonke 
Pro-Life Action League

Every year the Pro-Life Action League brings the joy and hope of Christmas to the darkness of the abortuary with our “Empty Manger” Christmas Caroling day.

Now more than ever, we need to be actively engaged in fighting abortion on the ground outside our nation’s abortion facilities.

Sometimes that means sidewalk counseling, sometimes that means protesting, and sometimes that means bringing the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ to the doors of the abortion clinic with peaceful Christmas caroling.
Host an “Empty Manger” Caroling Day in Your Town

In recent years, more and more pro-life activists around the country have started holding their own Christmas caroling events at abortion clinics, and now it’s your turn to get involved in this Advent pro-life ministry.

To help you do just that, the Pro-Life Action League has put together some resources that will make your caroling day a success: 

Closing Obamacare's Abortion "Loophole"‏

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

Americans United for Life

The morning after the vote that made Obamacare law, Americans United for Life released a model abortion coverage "opt-out" bill to protect your conscience rights and thousands of unborn lives from Obamacare's unprecedented expansion of abortion coverage. 

To date, 12 states have used our model bill or assistance to exclude abortion coverage from their health Exchanges.

Now, in light of the recent alarming proof that Obamacare is using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, it is more critical than ever that we can rely on your support to put federal legislation into effect that will close this loophole for good.

Will you help protect America's conscience rights—and the unborn—today?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Adoption: A Loving, Life-saving, Realistic Option

By Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.,
NRL Director of Education & Research

November is National Adoption Month, and I hope that you’ve read some of the compelling personal stories that have been published here over these past few weeks. If you want to get a good idea of some of the joys – and challenges – that await adoptive parents, the accounts inNational Right to Life News Today are a great place to start.

To get a good idea of the broader picture, to understand why pro-lifers feel adoption is such a loving realistic, life-saving alternative to abortion, let’s flesh out those personal accounts with some basic information and statistics about adoption in the U.S.

continue reading at

“Miracle of Life” Sand Sculpture Creates Powerful Image of Life

by Susan Michelle
Live Action News

Both  a sand sculpture and a baby in the womb are fragile masterpieces, which are both shown in a powerful sand sculpture called “Miracle of Life.” John Gowdy and Jan Zelinka won the People’s Choice award last week in the Siesta Key Crystal Classic, a Master Sand Sculpting Competition held annually in Florida. In the competition, sand sculpture artists create their work over a 7 day period.
The “Miracle of Life” sculpture is a reminder of the fragility and beauty of human life. The sculpture, a sleeping baby held safely in the hand of a master creator, reveals a picture of the miracle that life is. Yet its creation from sand that can be so easily destroyed, likewise, holds a reminder of the fragility of life which can itself be so easily destroyed by choices.
Susan Michelle was born in Bethlehem to an unwed mother and rescued by Catholic nuns who took her to an orphanage in Bethlehem, which still helps single moms and rescues babies. Today she's an outspoken advocate for LIFE and speaks and writes about pro-life issues nationwide.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ambulance Transports Salem Planned Parenthood Patient

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Salem, OR – Activists in Salem, Oregon, have informed Operation Rescue that a woman was transported by ambulance from the Salem Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Friday, November 14, 2014.

Members of the Corban University Students for Life Club witnessed and photographed the incident.

According to one witness, the ambulance arrived with no lights or sirens and was greeted by a Planned Parenthood employee. Eventually, a woman on a stretcher was wheeled out of the Planned Parenthood office and loaded into the awaiting ambulance.



By Reverend Katherine Marple

Today, my native city of St. Louis is under siege; one black man was shot dead by a police officer because he feared for his own life while on duty. The people of Ferguson and surrounding municipalities including St. Louis are looting, setting fires, rolling cars, etc., because of one person….ONE.

Since the day that Michael Brown died [Aug 9, 2014], another 981 Black Missourians have died; 9 per day, every day since then. These Black Missourians were unarmed, innocent, and had no ability to defend themselves and died in plain sight. But there is no outrage, no riots, not one protest.

So, while these rioters are trying to destroy my native city of St. Louis because of the death of ONE Black man, the rioters overlook the fact that just a couple of miles away at Planned Parenthood on Forest Park Avenue, another 109 Black babies have died since Michael Brown. That is 9 Black babies per day that are MURDERED in plain sight.

Sneaky Contraception?


By: Eric Metaxas

Earlier this month, the Catholic Bishops of Kenya took the unusual step of telling their flock not to participate in a tetanus-vaccination program administered by the government and sponsored by the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

The reason for their call for non-participation was not opposition to vaccines in general. It was, according to the Bishops, that the vaccination program was actually “a clandestine population control program disguised as a tetanus vaccine program.”

According to the Bishops, they had “several vials” of the vaccine tested by “four unrelated Government and private laboratories in Kenya and abroad,” and all of the vials contained the “Beta-HCG hormone which causes infertility and multiple miscarriages in women.”

They presented copies of their findings to governmental officials who quickly denied all wrongdoing, as did the WHO and UNICEF officials.

But the Bishops aren’t backing down.

From 7,500 miles away, it’s difficult to know to what extent, if any, the Bishops’ charges are true. What isn’t difficult to know is that, given the history of birth control programs, especially when it comes to the poor and people of color, there is ample reason to be suspicious.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop Lori Urge Congress To Include Abortion Non-Discrimination Act In Funding Legislation

From United States Catholic Conference of Bishops

WASHINGTON—Congress should incorporate the protections of the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA) into must-pass funding legislation, said the chairmen of two committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in a November 17 letter to Congress. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley of Boston and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore cited the California Department of Managed Health Care’s recent move to mandate elective abortions in all health plans under its jurisdiction, with no religious or moral exemption, as one urgent reason for Congress to improve federal laws protecting conscience rights on abortion.

“The crisis in California requires Congress to reaffirm a principle that has long enjoyed broad bipartisan support: Government should not force hospitals, doctors, nurses and other providers to stop offering or covering much-needed legitimate health care because they cannot in conscience participate in destroying a developing human life,” wrote Cardinal O’Malley and Archbishop Lori. They chair the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities and Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, respectively.

Cardinal O’Malley and Archbishop Lori noted that such rules proposed in California and other states violate the longstanding Weldon amendment, which forbids governmental bodies receiving federal funds from discriminating against those who object to taking part in abortion or abortion coverage. However, that law lacks an effective means of enforcement and has been subject to legal challenges. The bishops support ANDA as an assurance of greater legal protection. Its protections were included in the U.S. House of Representatives’ draft version of the Labor/HHS appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2013, but that act was ultimately not passed by Congress.

“We strongly urge you to incorporate ANDA into must-pass funding legislation at your earliest possible opportunity,” the bishops concluded.

Full text of the letter is available at this link.

More information on the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act can be found using this link.

Use this link to send your message to Congress. 


by Reverend Katherine Marple

Jesus said: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you’.” Matthew 12:25-28

Plainly, scripture tells us that you cannot have the Spirit of God AND of Satan in the same house. It is impossible. Then, if a midwife, spiritual [not Christian] or not, believes in aborting children as part OF midwifery, is she a midwife or an abortionist? That is a house ‘divided’….one to birthing and one to murdering. How can any woman trust a midwife who may provide abortions?

Please Help Guiding Star Ministries Carry On Their Mission!

Guiding Star Ministries is a home, located in the West Oak Lane section of Philadelphia, for single pregnant women and their children. Through counseling, group meetings, and a nurturing faith-based environment, we try to help our residents work toward total independence.

During their stay, mothers must pursue employment or education. Our aim for every resident is to build a solid foundation of faith and responsibility that will help them.

The Mission 
The mission of Guiding Star Ministries is to provide shelter to pregnant women and their children and to educate pregnant women so that they may have a successful, healthy pregnancy, while creating a home that is structuring, nurturing and supportive.

The Vision
The vision of Guiding Star Ministries is to help our residents to become independent while developing discipline, responsibility and the work ethic needed to become productive members of society.

Our Difference 
We house six to seven mothers and their children at a time, which allows us to build solid relationships with the families who enter our home. The residents may stay up to 18 months and work towards educational or vocational goals. Since 1992, we have strived to make Guiding Star an ideal program for women seeking to make a better life for themselves and their children.

Please help Guiding Star Ministries continue their mission by using this link to make a contribution for their work. 

For more information on the history of this home  use this link.


by Adam Peters
Live Action News

For nearly five decades, John Wayne played western heroes on the silver screen. In reality, the Duke probably wouldn’t have lasted fifty years out on the range: 19th Century American men usually died in their 30s and 40s. Disease was the biggest killer, but violence cut lives short too. And, as Canada’s Cypress Hills and Frog Lake massacres proved, homicide wasn’t an exclusively American problem.

The North-West Mounted Police were formed in 1873 to impose order on the Canadian frontier. Known today as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, their red dress uniform is recognized as a national symbol. Yet despite Canada’s history of venerating authority, there is one area in which the country is essentially lawless.

When it comes to abortion, Canada has few rules. It has no legal gestational limits and no laws requiring parental consent either. Gary Cross would’ve liked that situation: the California sex-offender impregnated his 13 year-old victim and then covered it up with a late-term abortion. As a result, the abuse continued unreported.

continue reading at

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Not the Fire Marshal, he Judge, or A State Medical Disciplinary Committee

Robert Alexander’s Women’s Medical Services

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life News Today

However, courtesy of Ken Kolker of WOOD-TV 8, who has followed Alexander the closest, we have Alexander’s truly bizarre reactions. But first a quick summary of the background.Yesterday we filled you in on the decision by the Michigan Board of Medicine Disciplinary Subcommittee to finally suspend (albeit for six months and a day) the license of abortionist Robert Alexander, whose abortion clinic the city of Muskegon shut down in December 2012 after finding deplorable and dangerous conditions. The suspension will begin three days, starting from yesterday.

The Board’s decision came less than two months after Administrative Law Judge Shawn Downey issued a devastating nine-page decision in which he found Alexander guilty of both negligence and incompetence.


17-year-old Martha Bissah just after she won a gold medal in the Junior Olympics. With her are the Silver and Bronze medal winners.

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life News Today

Editor’s note. This inspiring story appeared in the November post-election issue of National Right to Life News. You can read the entire 34-page edition at

Competing last August in the Youth Olympics in Nanjing, China, Bissah ran a 2:04.90 in the 800 meter final, a new junior Olympic record.I follow sports very closely, youth sports almost as closely, but I confess I missed that the first-ever Olympic gold medal won at any level by a Ghanaian was by 17-year-old Martha Bissah.

According to a Ghanaian newspaper, an enchanted TV Commentator at the Youth Olympics commented about Martha’s achievement saying, “Martha Bissah the Ghanaian has given us a glimpse of a glorious future…without any shadow of the doubt… that was world class….if someone can tidy up that technique, she will be a force to be reckoned with when she becomes a senior.”

But there is (to quote the immortal Paul Harvey), a “rest of the story”—that she almost didn’t have a future. The details come courtesy of a story written for by Ebenezer Afanyi Dadzie.

Please Support the Gift of Life Pregnancy Center

At Gift of Life Pregnancy Center, we provide a caring, understanding, and non-judgmental environment for women and men who find themselves in both a unplanned or planned pregnancy. We offer free pregnancy testing, educational classes from Conception to the toddler years, Peer mentoring and referrals to services in the community. Are services are provided to the community free of charge and are kept confidential.

Our services are offered free of charge to every parent regardless of race, religion, economic status, gender, or ethnic background. We are child centered.

Use this link  to make a contribution to the Gift of Life Pregnancy Center

We are a 501 c (3) organization

Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Resource Website Let's You Know if Your State Covers Elective Abortion

From Chuck Donovan, President
Charlotte Lozier Institute

CLI promised you last week we would send more information on our new resource website, so that you can check whether a health insurance plan offered under Obamacare covers elective abortion. Good news – the site JUST went live.

Check out to see what our team of researchers at Charlotte Lozier Institute and Family Research Council has discovered about health plans in your state marketplace.

Remember – the Obama administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have failed to provide you with transparency when it comes to abortion funding in Obamacare. In order to unearth this abortion coverage information, we had to search high and low, contacting insurance companies and state exchanges by phone, e-mail, and live chat. We expect more challenges, but the pursuit of truth is worth it.

YOU can help too. Aside from our research, you can contact us through if you have access to plan documents in your state that may not be publicly available. Unlike Jonathan Gruber, a key mind behind Obamacare, CLI considers you anything but “stupid.”

Our team won’t sit by while the government persists in covering up this ugly reality of abortion funding in Obamacare, and I know you won’t either. You’ve heard the saying: “Knowledge is power.” Please share this information with your family and friends who are likewise concerned to stay away from abortion plans.

With persistence, we can ensure that elective abortion coverage is ultimately removed altogether from health insurance plans in Obamacare.


Notes Economic Potential of Record Population

Catholic World News

The United Nations Population Fund has issued its annual State of World Population report.
The report decried barriers to adolescent “reproductive health” care, including laws that require parental consent for contraception or abortion. The report also lamented the influence of religious organizations in opposing “comprehensive sexuality education” and criticized religious leaders and parents for regulating “access to information and services.”
At the same time, the fund’s executive director sees immense economic potential in youth.
“Today's record 1.8 billion young people present an enormous opportunity to transform the future," said Babatunde Osotimehin, according to an AP report. “Never again is there likely to be such potential for economic and social progress.”
Catholic World News (CWN) is an independent Catholic news service staffed by lay Catholic journalists. We are dedicated to providing accurate world news, written from a distinctively Catholic perspective.

Friday, November 21, 2014


by Laura Peredo
Live Action News

According to recent news coverage and personal testimonies, hundreds of women have experienced adverse side effects from Essure – “the only non-surgical, permanent birth control available”.

How does it work? Metal coils are inserted in both fallopian tubes, causing a woman’s body to grow tissue through them, blocking the fallopian tubes. In most cases, this prevents pregnancy by making eggs unable to reach the uterus.

But Essure stories aren’t all happily finished families as the product owner, Bayer, would like you to think.

continue reading at

Laura Peredo, a junior Business Management major at Benedictine College, loves people regardless of race, gender, belief system, or actions. That's why she joined the movement to promote the dignity of every human person, and continues to devote her time to it. She believes every person possesses the inherent right to life, and works to expose injustices against life and the authentic living out of our call to be the person we were made to be. Follow her blog at:


by Judie Brown, President
American Life League

Hearkening back a couple of days to my horror at the news that sex educators are now using kids as young as 11 to collaborate in demonstrations of birth control objects like the condom, I have to wonder where our world is headed.

Not long after Stop Planned Parenthood International’s Rita Diller brought the sordid news mentioned above to my attention, I read a commentary by Michelle Malkin entitled “One Nation under Godlessness.” She told the story of an exemplary high school student who put his faith into action at a public high school and prayed with others during a free period. After three years of peacefully praying, with no complaints, this boy suddenly felt the wrath of the administration who called him to task for his actions. This truly sent chills down my spine. It is, as Malkin points out, “quite clear that the problem is not that there’s too much God in students’ lives. The problem is that there isn’t nearly enough of Him.”

And that is, in the proverbial nutshell, where we are at this moment in the history of our society. The grounding in faith in God that everyone presumed was being instilled in children at a very young age is, in fact, no longer even a thought in the heads of most modern parents.

Selfies have replaced scoldings.

Paychecks have replaced unquantifiable closeness between parent and child.

Possessions have become such an obsession for many that even a child or two are viewed as trophies instead of human beings who require constant nurturing.


by Reverend Katherine Marple

It’s one thing being denied the ability to do our job, but it’s quite another to have the newly re-elected governor WHO CALLS HIMSELF PROLIFE to throw the unborn under the bus AGAIN. Read the story HERE.

Now, I’m one for getting the best guy or gal in office that calls themselves prolife, after all NO ONE is perfect for the job. And that will upset the personhood people, but the truth is that not one person will govern the people with a firm truly prolife hand; agenda always gets in the way.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

See How Your 2 Assembly Members Voted on The Physician Assisted Suicide Bill, A2270

Action Needed to Defeat it in the Senate!

The Physician Assisted Bill (A2270) passed the NJ Assembly on November 13 by a vote of 41-31.
The vote tally is listed below.The bill now moves to the State Senate.
Action Still Needed to Defeat A2270/S382:
Please Contact your State Senator and urge them to Vote No on A2270/S382, then call and email Governor Christie and urge him to Veto A2270/S382 if it reaches his desk.  Please contact your State Senator and Governor Christie  by going to our Legislative Action Center here
News on the Assembly Vote: 
NJ Assembly Democrat leadership, which includes Speaker Vincent Prieto, and Asm. John Burzichelli, the bill’s sponsor, have continually pulled every dishonest trick in the book with the last minute scheduling of hearings and voting sessions on A2270.  To say this has been a fair and open process would be a bald-faced lie and their shameful actions during this entire legislative process fly in the face of fairness, ethics, leadership and good governance.   The latest chicanery occurred with this November 13 vote.  After 5:00 p.m. on Monday (11/10), Assembly Democrat leaders, Speaker Vincent Prieto and Asm. John Burzichelli, ( who is the sponsor of A2270, and others in the Democratic leadership), quietly added A2270 to the voting schedule board for November 13th.  Why is this noteworthy?  Because the next day was Tuesday November 11th, Veterans Day and state offices were closed so no phone calls to Assembly members offices could be received until Wednesday morning
NJ citizens need to know how these folks operate and act accordingly at election time.  Remember, everything they do affects our lives and future generations.
Use this link to see  the November 13 Assembly Vote tally on A2270.

Michigan Board Suspends License of "Michigan Gosnell" for Six Months, One Day

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Lansing, MI - Abortionist Robert Alexander appeared before the Michigan Board of Medicine today for a final hearing on charges of gross negligence and incompetence after he was caught operating a squalid abortion facility in Muskegon that rivaled conditions found at Kermit Gosnell's Philadelphia "House of Horror."

Despite the fact that an administrative judge found that Alexander, who suffers from mental illness, was not fit to practice medicine and recommended his permanent license revocation, the Board voted to suspend Alexander's license for 6 months and 1 day. The also told Alexander that he would have to re-apply to have his license reinstated, at which time he would be required to pay a fine of $75,000.

If Alexander does not reapply for licensing, his license would not be automatically renewed after his suspension and he would continue to be barred from practicing in Michigan.

It was Operation Rescue's complaint, founded on a former employee's testimony, which served as the basis for the disciplinary action.

Continue reading this breaking story here!

About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America.Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006.  From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates. Click here to support Operation Rescue.   Click here to make a secure donation online.

Immigrants Flood Into Europe

Will they cure Europe’s demographic sickness or just temporarily alleviate the pain?

by Alejandro Macarron
Population Research Institute

“It doesn't matter if we Spaniards do not have enough children, as long as foreign migrants come to Spain and have kids here,” the head of a major conservative Spanish think tank said to me a couple of years ago. I had suggested to him that the center-right Partido Popular—now the governing party in Spain—promote pro-natal policies.

But can immigration really make up for Spain’s growing birth deficit? Since 2011, when we had our conversation, both Spaniards and migrants have had fewer children each year. In part because of the ongoing economic recession, there were 10% fewer children born in 2013 than in 2011. Moreover, more people migrated out of Spain than migrated into it during this period. The net migration flow was negative, not positive.

Tylenol is great for relieving the pain of a headache, but it won’t cure a brain tumor. In fact, by masking the pain, it might stop us from finding out that we have a tumor and seek treatment for it. It might, in this way, actually kill us.

Many Europeans view immigration the way that people with a headache view Tylenol. The immigrants flooding into Europe mask the pain of the aging native population with its huge baby deficit. It disguises the ugly core demographic numbers, and gives politicians and the public an excuse to avoid taking the real steps necessary to avoid committing demographic suicide.

Europe and Japan are the frontrunners in this race to oblivion. Both have populations that are dramatically shrinking and aging. Low birth rates and increased life expectancy are both responsible, but what the demographers call “lowest low fertility” accounts for the bulk of the problem.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to Explain Why We Believe What We Believe about Life

By Micaiah Bilger, Education Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Last Saturday, I participated in a very encouraging youth event organized by the St. Gabriel Respect Life Committee in Carlisle.

One thing that really struck me about the event – from the speaker’s talk to the students’ comments — was the vital importance of teaching young pro-lifers to understand and articulate our position on life.

Guest speaker Missy Martinez from Students for Life said many young people are in the “mushy middle” when it comes to abortion. Many haven’t thought a lot about the issue.

continue reading at

Pennsylvania Students, Be a Voice for Life!

From Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Students, speak up for life and enter our 2015 pro-life contests!

Our Pro-Life Essay Contest is open to students in seventh to 12th grades. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top essays. The deadline is March 2, 2015. Click here for details.

Our Pro-Life Video Oratory Contest is open to students in 9th to 12th grades. The grand prize is a trip to New Orleans to compete in the National Right to Life Oratory Contest. The deadline is April 15, 2015. Click here for details.

For more information, contact the Federation at or 717-541-0034.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Is it Open Season on Pro-Life Women?

By Carol Tobias, President
National Right to Life

For years now, the country has been inundated with rhetoric about the so-called “war on women,” an attempt (people were told) by pro-lifers, conservatives, Republicans, white men (any or all of these) to take women back to the dark ages. After the November 4 mid-term elections, one especially bitter pro-abortionist, Imani Gandy, gloomily insisted their battle was to escape being “corralled in Republican-funded breeding farms, serving as little more than brood mares in a dystopian landscape that would make even Margaret Atwood shudder.”

No doubt Gandy was thinking of the many pro-abortion candidates who were defeated by pro-life candidates (including by female pro-life candidates). But if many pro-lifers declared (or at least hoped) that this mis-named “War on Women” would be laid to rest, I fear they are wrong.

Some future candidates may temper their campaigns a bit, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of that slogan—not by any means. The bitterness and vitriol of our opponents isn’t going to stop just because some of their candidates lost.

continue reading at

Note from National Right to Life News Today:  This President’s column appeared on page three of the November post-election issue of National Right to Life News. You can read the entire 34-page edition here

All human Life is Sacred, Pope Emphasizes in Address to Doctors

Catholic World News - November 17, 2014

Emphasizing that all human life is sacred, Pope Francis addressed the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors and lamented abortion, euthanasia, and immoral reproductive technologies.
“Attention to human life, especially that in greatest difficulty, that is, to the sick, the elderly, children, deeply involves the mission of the Church,” the Pope said on November 15. “The Church also feels called to participate in the debate that relates to human life, presenting its proposal based on the Gospel.”
“In many places, the quality of life is related primarily to economic means, to "well-being", to the beauty and enjoyment of the physical, forgetting other more profound dimensions of existence-- interpersonal, spiritual and religious,” he continued. “In fact, in the light of faith and right reason, human life is always sacred and always ‘of quality.’ There is no human life that is more sacred than another-- every human life is sacred-- just as there is no human life qualitatively more significant than another, only by virtue of resources, rights, great social and economic opportunities.”

Will British Appeals Court Defend Rights of Unborn?

Dr. William Oddie 
for Crisis Magazine 

I begin with two questions. Here is a statement by a person whose name is familiar to Catholics as that of a dedicated pro-abortionist, Ann Furedi, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advice Service: “Viewing these cases as potential criminal offences will do nothing for the health of women and their babies. There is a strong public interest in promoting the good health of pregnant women and babies, but, as longstanding government policy recognizes, this interest is best served by treating addiction and substance abuse in pregnancy as a public health, not criminal, issue.”
My questions are these: what cases is she talking about; and if she is so hot under the collar about them, why hasn’t there been any engagement in this matter, so far as I can see, by anyone putting the Catholic point of view? If Ann Furedi is against something, the general rule is that Catholics should be for it (a principle well borne out in this case). She is, it will be remembered, one of the best-known proponents of the view that “Abortion, for many, many women, is the solution to the crisis of an unwanted pregnancy. It needs to be made available to them as early as possible and as easily as possible”; she is also strongly in favor of the easy availability of the morning after pill, which she describes simply as “early abortion using medication.”
Dr. William Oddie is a leading English Catholic writer and broadcaster. He edited The Catholic Herald from 1998 to 2004 and is the author ofThe Roman Option and Chesterton and the Romance of Orthodoxy.

Monday, November 17, 2014


by Reverend Katherine Marple

My husband and I were having a conversation about being a public witness. What I mean by ‘public’ is sidewalk ministry at the abortion facility or street ministry at strip clubs, bars, for example. Public means what and where is legal. Public means public, anyone can be there…even the opposition. 
In public ministry people love to battle, to justify sin, to embed their superiority. But the truth is they know they’re living a lie out loud, they know way deep down that this lie they live is getting harder and harder to keep up with.
When I remember who I used to be before Christ, I had to keep my justifications in absolute order so that I wouldn’t seem WRONG or in error of a badly lived life…after all, who’s life is it anyway? I thought it was mine alone.
GETTING TO THE POINT: There was not one time…
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Life Wins!

Majority of Voters Recognize that the Real “War on Women” Comes from the Abortion Industry

The Goliaths of the Abortion Industry took a real tumble as pro-life Davids across the country faced incredible odds, almost unlimited bank accounts and massive media support, exemplified by candidates like Texas’ Wendy Davis, California’s Sandra Fluke and Colorado Senator Mark Udall who all attempted to win election by waging a false “war on women.” But voters said NO to the abortion lobby’s favorites and the radical abortion activism they and others represented.
AUL Action President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest noted, “We have broken the blockade of the abortion-obsessed Harry Reid Senate and can move forward with priorities like the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act and the Five Month Abortion Limit, as well as the full repeal of the abortion-ridden Affordable Care Act.”

During the campaign, AUL Action was front and center, reaching out to voters in 9 key senate races through thousands of robocalls, e-blasts and social media outreach as well as mobilizing pro-life voters nationwide.

Not only did voters accept AUL Action's challenge to “Break the Blockade” erected around the U.S. Senate against pro-life legislation, their efforts helped propel pro-life candidates to historic victories in the U.S. House, Governors’ offices and state legislatures across the country.

Writing for the Washington Times, AUL General Counsel Ovide Lamontagne noted, “With the recent collapse of the liberal establishment’s favorite ‘war on women’ screed, it’s time to acknowledge a little discussed political truth: Life is a winning issue. Indeed, regardless of whether citizens describe themselves as ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-choice,’ there is much upon which most can agree when it comes to applying common sense, even to such a volatile and controversial issue as abortion.”

Life By the Numbers 
Post election polling by The Polling Company/ WomanTrend revealed, "23% of voters said that the abortion issue affected their vote and voted for candidates who oppose abortion. This compares to just 16% who said abortion affected their vote and voted for candidates who favor abortion, yielding a 7% advantage for pro-life candidates."

That same poll found that 10% of voters recalled hearing or seeing information about the election from AUL Action!

Calling Pro-Life College Students!

A five-week summer training course for pro-life college students 

July 9th - August 14th, 2015

The future of the pro-life movement rest on the shoulders of our youth. The National Right to Life Academy is an outreach of the Educational Trust Fund that empowers today’s college student leaders with tools to carry the fight for life into the future.

The National Right to Life Academy is a unique, five-week academic summer course for college students who are eager to put their pro-life passion to work. Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits through the Human Life Studies Program from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

$3600 tuition includes lodging at a university residence in downtown Washington, D.C., registration, room and board at the 2015 National Right to Life Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and five weeks of the most comprehensive pro-life education around!

Submit your application as soon as possible!

Launched in the summer of 2007, the Academy was created by the National Right to Life Committee staff to build on the work of the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition, an enormously successful lobbying training program in the early years of the pro-life movement. The NYPLC was the training ground for many of today’s pro-life activists, including Representative Chris Smith, and our own Academic Director, Burke Balch.

The National Right to Life Academy is a pro-life educational boot-camp for student leaders who want to refine their pro-life passion. Graduates from the Academy are equipped with the tools and training to defend life in any battleground, whether it be on a college campus or in the office of a congressman.