Friday, January 3, 2014

Clinic Worker: Doctor Kept Dead Fetuses

by Sarah Terzo 

I’m going to say in advance that this article is graphic and disturbing, even more so than my other articles. So be warned.

Pro-choice activists often say that abortion must be legal to keep it safe. They oppose any effort to regulate abortion clinics. Planned Parenthood led the fight against clinic regulations in Texas, with Wendy Davis being hailed a hero for attempting to defeat such legislation.

The book Lime 5 documents many, many instances of abortion malpractice. There is almost no limit to the number of articles I could write citing examples from this book. However, this series of articles focuses on the testimonies of former clinic workers. Therefore, I’m going to highlight a quote by a former clinic worker who was originally interviewed in 1992 by pro-life activist Rachel McNair.

The clinic worker told McNair:
“One Saturday, another employee and I were working, we were closing up, and we went down the back hallway to get the garbage. Well, we smelled this awful smell – it wasn’t coming from the garbage. So we opened the door to a storage room. Inside the storage room was a bunch of fetuses, wrapped up in the blue paper in the gloves that had been sitting in there for, I would say, at least a week. There were maggots. It stunk like – I couldn’t even describe it. We gagged and closed the door. There were at least six or seven of these fetuses just sitting there, just rotting away.”
According to McNair, the clinic worker said that this was not an isolated incident – the doctor she worked for often left the bodies of aborted babies lying around the clinic.

continue reading at

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life author and creator of the website. 

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