Friday, July 26, 2013


by Cassy Fiano

The worldwide excitement over the royal baby has seemingly upset pro-aborts, who feel the need to break and in and remind everyone that they shouldn’t be so excited, because ABORTION! It’s as if they took a class on how to rain on someone’s parade. Only in the pro-abortion world would it be considered good form to celebrate the birth of a baby by talking about how more babies need to be killed in utero.

One of the most ludicrous examples of the royal baby-abortion phenomenon comes from MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who you may remember as the anchor who wore tampon earrings. She’s also a recipient of Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Award, so you know that she’s really drinking the Kool-Aid.

When Harris-Perry decided to weigh in on the fervor surrounding the royal baby, of course she had to talk about how not every baby is wanted. We can’t have people get too excited about pregnancy and babies, now can we? She then decided to show off her rather unique brand of logic, where it isn’t science that determines when life begins — your feelings do.

Cassy Fiano is a blogger currently living in North Carolina with her husband, a United States Marine. They have a toddler named Ben, and a second son named Wyatt, who has Down syndrome. 


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