Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Looking for a pro-life OBGYN? Search AAPLOG’s new online directory!

by Christina Martin
Live Action News

As a woman in her early thirties, I understand the importance of having yearly visits to an OBGYN. As a pro-lifer, I know how frustrating it is to talk to an OBGYN who has opposing beliefs. I’m not concerned if my dentist, chiropractor or eye doctor doesn’t share my pro-life values. It would be wonderful if they did but it likely won’t ruin my visit if they don’t. OBGYN’s are different.
In my personal experience I had an OBYGN accuse me of being foolish for refusing to treat menstrual cramps with birth control. She also told me birth control would be a beneficial way for me to prevent cancer. I’ve heard women complain about OBGYN’s suggesting unnecessary hysterectomy’s and even offering to sterilize them. One friend who was asked if she’d like to be sterilized, was married, in her early twenties, with one child.

These are some of the reasons that make me grateful for the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. AAPLOG is the largest organization of pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists in the world. Their purpose is to reaffirm the unique value and dignity of individual human life in all stages of growth and development. AAPLOG has over 2,500 members and associates who are board certified, professional, pro-life physicians, residents, medical students and international colleagues. This is a dream come true for countless women.

This physician directory is provided as a service to assist those who wish to locate a pro-life physician. Each of the listed physicians has self-identified as being pro-life in philosophy and practice, adhering to the principles of the Hippocratic Oath. Each has requested to be listed here. Their names, locations, office phone numbers, and website addresses are provided. Although we seek to ensure that the information provided is complete and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information at any given time.
Use this link for  the AAPLOG Physician Directory. 

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