Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Contraception Leads to Abortion: Come and See

Leila Miller
Catholic Stand

For most of my teen years and early twenties, I openly opposed abortion. When I was occasionally asked if I opposed contraception, too, I always responded like this: “No, I don’t have a problem with contraception, because contraception prevents abortions!” Everyone always agreed with my answer, because it was common sense: Widespread acceptance and use of contraception makes abortion rare.
Well… not exactly.
In my mid-twenties, I was forced to reexamine my ideas on a whole range of life issues. By that point, I was all about conforming my mind and life to the truth, no matter where the truth led me, and no matter how uncomfortable.
What my studies on contraception bore out was indeed humbling, and I had to eat my words. The truth is the opposite of what I had spouted for years. The truth is that, at the macro-level, contraception leads to abortion. Where contraception is widely accepted, abortion follows.
It makes sense if you think about it, because contraception is a contract that says: “We agree to have sex but we do not agree to have a baby. However, the contract (contraception) fails so often that a fail-proof back-up plan is needed, and that fail-proof back-up plan is abortion.*
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Leila Miller is a wife and mother of eight children who has a penchant for writing and a passion for teaching the Catholic Faith in simple ways. Thissumma cum laude Boston College graduate also enjoys debating secularists, and in her spare time she fancies herself a bit of a Catholic matchmaker. She manages two blogs that accommodate those hobbies well: Little Catholic Bubble, and the invite-only Catholic Moms Matchmaking.

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